Changing brake pads wheels

by time news

How do you know when to change brake pads in a car? And how much does it cost us? Full details in the following guide

wheels | 02/20/23

Replacing brake pads in a car is one of the car treatments that we will all know closely and will perform throughout the life of the car, at least once. The brake system is the most important system in the car, the one responsible for the safety of the ride and the car’s passengers. The possibility of proper and timely braking is essential for the car driver in any situation, and even more so in the winter season, when the roads are slippery and wet and the braking distance becomes critical. Therefore, if you have detected wear in the brake pads, you feel vibrations during braking or a warning light has come on in the dashboard, the replacement of the car’s brake pads should be done immediately,

As a general rule, the brake system and brake fluid must be checked according to the vehicle manufacturer’s instructions and also take into account the driver’s lifestyle and driving habits, as well as the road or terrain conditions. In addition, it is recommended to check the brakes at every periodic service and before the licensing test, and of course if you encounter signs or warnings of an impending malfunction.

How do you identify a problem with the brake system?

signs of moisture or leakage in the system, and vibrations or noises during braking; All of these indicate a malfunction in the brake system that requires an immediate inspection at the garage.

Replacing brakes in a car

The front and rear brakes in a car consist of brake plates and brake pads, and are the core of the braking system. The function of the brakes is to slow the vehicle down to a complete stop.

During braking, the flexible brake pads are pressed and clamped onto the brake plates, which are the metal part present in each wheel. The pressure created by the brake pad on the brake plate slows its rotation, until the wheel comes to a complete stop.

How often do you change brakes?

The front brakes in the car are replaced more frequently than the rear brakes, and this is because the front brakes are responsible for stopping the vehicle completely and accordingly they wear out faster. In addition, the timing of changing the brakes also depends on the driver’s driving style, his lifestyle, the distance traveled by the vehicle and the road conditions.

How much does it cost to change brakes?

Replacing brakes in a car, including brake plates and brake pads, will cost you between NIS 750-500 per unit.

What is the price for replacing front brakes?

The cost of replacing front brakes in a car ranges between NIS 1,100-600.

Replacing car brake pads

The brake pads are located next to the brake plates in the vehicle’s tires, and their function is to stop the rotation of the wheel while the vehicle is braking. The brake pads, also called brake discs, are made of two metal plates, with a flexible, durable and strong material on them, which adheres to the brake plate during stopping and slows down the rotation of the plate until the vehicle wheel comes to a complete stop. The same flexible material is also resistant to high temperature as a result of the friction of the components.

If you have reached a situation where the car’s brake pads have worn out, you should pay attention to the reaction of the car’s warning lights. It is likely that a warning light will light up on the vehicle’s dashboard and signal you to get to a garage inspection as soon as possible. In the advanced vehicles there is also a sensor that warns of the wear of the pads.

Another sign of worn brake pads in a car is when you feel vibrations while pressing the brake pedal. Upon inspection by the vehicle mechanic, you will be able to notice the wear of the pads. Most of the time this will manifest in pads whose thickness has been significantly reduced, as can be detected by measuring the pad.

Brake pads whose thickness is 40% or less than the original thickness, these are worn and worn pads, and it’s time to replace them.

What is the price of brake pads?

Replacing brake pads in a car is considered a relatively easy job, costing between NIS 500-250 per pad.

What is the price for replacing front brake pads?

The cost of replacing front brake pads ranges from NIS 1,000-400 for the work and both pads.

Brake fluid in a car

When the brake pedals are pressed, the braking system is activated by hydraulic pistons, which are filled with brake fluid. During deceleration, the pressure and force pass from the hydraulic pistons to the brake pads and brake discs, until the wheels and the vehicle stop.

Over time, the brake fluid gets dirty, so it must also be checked during the brake system inspection, or as part of a 30,000 km vehicle service. In addition, the brake fluid has a very high boiling point, which drops with time and use due to water absorption, therefore also impairing the fluid’s effectiveness. Proper brake fluid is critical and important for the proper operation of the hydraulic pistons, and in fact for the start of the braking operation in the vehicle.

How do you check brake fluid?

The brake fluid tank has a marking for the minimum and maximum amount of fluid in the container. At the garage, they will check the quantity and quality of the brake fluid in the tank. If it is found that brake fluid is missing or is of improper quality, the mechanic will make sure to fill or replace it according to the findings.

How often do you change brake fluid?

It is customary to change brake fluid as part of a 30,000 car service.

Most of the time, car manufacturers recommend changing the brake fluid in a car every few years or every number of kilometers the car has driven. You can find the brake fluid replacement timing in your vehicle in the vehicle manual, according to the manufacturer’s instructions that vary from model to model.

How much does brake fluid cost?

The cost of replacing the brake fluid ranges from NIS 200-150, depending on the vehicle model and the type of brake fluid.

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