chaos and looting in downtown Paris for the crime of a 17-year-old boy shot by a police officer

by time news

2023-06-30 03:09:05

The social outbreak by the execution of Nahel, a 17-year-old French boy in the hands of the Police in the suburb of Nanterre, He reached the very center of Paris.

Groups of young people attacked at midnight on Wednesday the rue de Rivoli, the elegant artery that connects the place de la Concorde with the place de la Bastille, they broke the windows and looted clothes from the boutiques.

It was the third night of violence since the crime and the violence broke the taboo: it broke out in the heart of the capital. The sirens became hellish music in the city.

There are riots across the country and at least 667 people, most between the ages of 14 and 18, have been arrested. in France during this third night of urban violence, according to the interior minister, Gérald Darmanin.

Dramatic scenes of looting were seen on rue de Rivoli, one of the most elegant streets in Paris, next to the city hall. But the looting, attacks on boutiques and breaking windows and premises extended to Chatelet and Les Halles shopping mall in the Marais districtin the heart of the French capital .

One hundred hooded men advanced over the place and looted and destroyed as they went. A Nike boutique was targeted. It was 2 in the morning and looting continued in the middle of Paris, whose inhabitants they had taken refuge in their houses and turned off the light, fearing that fires would break out.

Police forces try to contain the violence in Nanterre, where the young man’s crime took place. Photo Reuters

“It is time for everyone to calm down and for Justice to do its necessary work”, requested by Twitter the mayor Ariel Weil, of Paris Center. At the same time, he showed images of looting and burning in the city on his social network.

“A hundred looters are in the process of breaking out all the windows to loot the different shops. This takes 15 minutes and for now there is no presence of these security forces”, explained a desperate neighbor, from his apartment on rue de Rivoli.

A great barrier had been crossed. The civil disobedience he had arrived, in the middle of the night, from Nanterre, where Nahel was killed on Tuesday as he was traveling in a Mercedes Benz without a driving licence, rented through a Polish app, into central Paris. The dreaded scene.

At the Faubourg St Denis, the patrons of a bar were invaded by a band that took the place by storm. They broke everything, burned the garbage cans and stole cigarettes.

A white march had gathered his mother Mouna and the residents of Nahel in Nanterre. Then that march of 6,000 people degenerated. After serious destruction in Nanterre, the disorder continued in Paris.

At night the situation was completely out of control in Nanterre. The forces of order have left the Cité Pablo Picasso, where the murdered young man lived, in the face of violence.

They have attacked the LCL bank and smashed all the shop windows. The inhabitants feel abandoned and fearful. The Police withdrew under a hail of mortars and projectiles from the Cité Pablo Picasso.

virtual curfew

Fearing violence, the Parisian authorities had declared a kind of curfew, where The transports, neither the metro nor the buses in the French capital did not work since 9 at night. The same thing happened in the Ile de France.

The riots spread in the main cities of the country. The most violent episodes are taking place in the Mediterranean port of Marseille, where the RAID special forces have been deployed.

They robbed and ransacked a police station neighborhood in Reims. In videos posted on social media, individuals are seen walking out in uniforms. Businesses and public buildings were also attacked in the city.

Cars set on fire during protests in Paris. AP Photo

Urban violence broke out this midnight also in Lille, with several businesses destroyed.

In the symbolic Clichy sous Bois, where the violence began in 2005, They tried to burn down the town hall. But the mall was damaged.

“The GIGN, RAID, BRI and CRS forces are deployed in various locations,” the authorities announced. In Pau, in the Pyrenees, a police station was burned down. In Montpellier, in the south of the country, riots have started.

Night curfews have been decreed in the Paris region in Clamart and Neuilly-sur-Marne, but also in Compiègne, in the Oise.

Violence has spread to Seine St Denis since midnight, with burning barricades and mortar shells. The case is repeated in Bondy, Drancy, Montreuyil, Sevran and Aubervilliers. A fire station was attacked in Seine and Marne.

In Val de Marne, people with their heads covered by bataclavas attacked the Court of Justice with mortars and firebombs. In Val D’Oise burning cars multiply demonstrations and mortar shots.

The policeman apologizes

The lawyer for the policeman who killed Nahel said his client is “devastated” and “Apologize to the family”while explaining that “he understands that he serves as a fuse.”

The Paris Police Prefecture announced the “deployment of the BRI in Nanterre, Paris and wherever necessary to restore order such as RAID and GIGN”. The goal is, according to the prefecture, prevent “any escalation of violence”.

Streets ravaged by violence in Paris. AP Photo

“The Gendarmerie mobilizes all its means, on land and in the air, day and night, to maintain public order and avoid disturbances,” says the official National Gendarmerie account on Twitter.

Significant urban violence is currently taking place in several cities across the country.

The Police is also deployed in Brussels this Thursday evening. The death of Nahel, killed by a police officer in Nanterre during a control, it also arouses tensions in Belgium.

Correspondent in Paris.

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