Chaos Ensues at Special Chicago City Council Meeting over Sanctuary City Status

by time news

Chaos Erupts at Chicago City Council Meeting to Discuss Sanctuary City Status

CHICAGO (WLS) — A special Chicago City Council meeting, called to discuss the city’s status as a sanctuary city, descended into chaos on Thursday. The meeting, initiated by Aldermen Anthony Beale, Ray Lopez, and others, aimed to vote on a non-binding referendum regarding Chicago’s sanctuary city designation. However, some aldermen actively discouraged others from attending.

“All I’m asking is to give people a voice on this issue,” said Ald. Beale.

The absence of Mayor Brandon Johnson, who was visiting Washington DC to seek assistance with the migrant crisis, added to the contentious atmosphere. The meeting kicked off with Ald. Carlos Ramirez Rosa criticizing the “debate,” insisting that opponents of the Sanctuary City Ordinance were misinformed.

“That is what is frustrating about the ‘debate,’ because people who are attacking the Sanctuary City Ordinance don’t know what they are talking about,” Ald. Ramirez Rosa said. “It has nothing to do with the refugee resettlement or the current crisis.”

Ald. Ramirez Rosa clarified that the Sanctuary City Ordinance focused solely on non-cooperation with ICE by law enforcement and government officials. He emphasized that providing resources to migrants is aligned with the city’s values, but it is not explicitly specified in the ordinance.

In another development, the opening of a migrant shelter in West Town faced resistance from unions protesting construction work delays.

Highlighting the alleged violation of state law, Ald. Ramirez Rosa attempted to impede the meeting by texting a group message advising aldermen not to attend, thereby preventing the formation of a quorum.

Alderman William Hall and several of the mayor’s staunchest supporters heeded this advice and did not show up.

“I’m leaving now because I have potholes, trees to get trimmed, and I have other things the residents of the 6th Ward want me to deal with,” Ald. Hall asserted.

However, the meeting proceeded after reaching quorum through two attempts. Although the agenda included a vote, confusion and debate regarding the rules ensued, with Ramirez Rosa asserting one interpretation and Beale and Lopez advocating for another.

“They were so worried about losing and putting this question before the voters that they were willing to bend every rule in the book to get out of here as quickly as possible,” Ald. Lopez remarked.

The legal conclusion of the meeting even remained a point of contention. While some city council members claimed that the meeting was not officially over, the lights suddenly went out.

Ramirez Rosa stated that the meeting had adjourned and declared that the sanctuary city referendum would not be considered. Conversely, Beale and Lopez argued that the meeting was in recess and would resume on Tuesday morning. The final verdict on the meeting’s status is yet to be determined.

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