“charge a crime”, not “charge a crime”

by time news

The appropriate thing is impute somethingno Of somethingwhen you want to express what is attributed to someone.

However, in the media there are phrases such as “The Public Prosecutor accuses him of a crime of misappropriation”, “The judge accuses the accused of rape of an attempted murder” or “Months after being arrested, they accused him of kill a young man and shoot three other people”.

The verb imputewhich according to Dictionary of the Spanish language means ‘attributing to someone the responsibility of a reprehensible act’, is built with a complement that indicates what is attributed to someone and that is not preceded by the preposition of.

It is possible that this error is due to crossing with the verb to accusewhich, as indicated by Panhispanic dictionary of doubtsyes it is built with a complement preceded by the preposition ofas in «They accused him of femicide», or the fact that both this verb and impute yes they use of o by before the causal complement in the formation of the passive, as in “Initially, he was charged/accused with 11 crimes of prevarication” or “He was charged/accused with bribery”.

Therefore, in the above examples, what would have been indicated would have been to write “The Public Prosecutor accuses him of a crime of misappropriation”, “The judge accuses an attempted murder of the accused of the rape” and “Months after being arrested, they accused him of kill a young man and shoot three other people”.

The post «charge a crime», not «charge a crime» first appeared on FundéuRAE.

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