Charges for the case of rape in Cordón were dismissed. The defense of the victim appealed

by time news

2023-04-25 02:19:28


In a statement issued this Monday, the Prosecutor’s Office reported that the Justice has ordered the dismissal of the three men charged with a complaint of group rape that took place a few months ago in the Cordón neighborhood. Prosecutor Judith Rodríguez, who was conducting the investigation, requested the dismissal of the defendants, arguing that, although there was evidence to charge them at the time, the necessary elements were not gathered to carry out an oral trial. The decision has generated various reactions, especially from the defense of the victim.

The injured, represented by the lawyer Juan Raúl Williman, decided to appeal the court’s decisionasking that another prosecutor delve into the case and see if he shares the criteria of prosecutor Rodríguez or if the investigation should be continued, rolling back the dismissal.

Until now, the three defendants were serving night house arrest, in addition to other preventive measures.

While the process continues, the Victims Unit of the Prosecutor’s Office continues to support the victim. The complaint of the alleged group rape was known last January and the three young people involved They were charged with especially aggravated sexual abuse. In addition, one of them was charged with disseminating images with pornographic content without the victim’s authorization.

The damage count

The case dates back to early morning of January 30, 2022, when the Police received a complaint of abuse of a woman, allegedly occurred in a house located in the Cordón neighborhood. When the officers arrived at the scene, they found the woman and requested that she be transferred to an assistance center to receive medical attention. Once there, she declared that she had been the victim of abuse by a group of men.

In her complaint, the woman said she had met a man at a dance venue in the area, and that he invited her to go to his house. It was at that home of hers where, according to her, the events occurred.

At the beginning of the case, the prosecutor in charge of the case of the alleged group rape was the magistrada Sylvia Lovesio. However, in June of last year, Raul Iglesias assumed ownership of the cause, generating great controversy in his management. In addition to requesting the replacement of the preventive detention measure for the accused (sending them home), Iglesias was also questioned by the archive of around 300 complaints of sexual abusewhich occurred on the same dates.

The decisions of this prosecutor generated a great public debate and led to his subsequent indictment and removal from office.

Consequently, the prosecutor Judith Rodríguez assumed her position in the investigation of the case of group rape. This case has been involved in a Additional controversy regarding the journalist Ignacio Álvarez, who has been the object of precautionary measures by the justice system, in particular, has been prohibited from approaching the victim. This was due to the fact that, at the beginning of February, Álvarez broadcast on his program Fishbowl (Azul FM) the audios of the sexual encounter that resulted in the complaint.

Court of Appeals confirmed charges against three men for group rape in Cordón

In addition, the precautionary measures are maintained: they will continue in preventive detention in the Central Jail…

#Charges #case #rape #Cordón #dismissed #defense #victim #appealed

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