Charting the Development of Human Organoids: A Detailed Mapping Approach

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New Research Unveils Detailed Atlas of Human Organoids

Scientists have made significant progress in understanding the composition and development of human tissues with the creation of a specialized atlas. This atlas aims to provide comprehensive information about the types of cells present in different tissues, the genes that are active within these cells, and the proteins that can be identified.

In a groundbreaking study published in Nature Biotechnology, researchers from ETH Zurich, the University of Zurich, and the University of Basel present their innovative approach to studying organoids – three-dimensional tissue aggregates that mimic human organs – as a means to enhance our understanding of tissue development and disease processes.

Professor Barbara Treutlein, an expert in Quantitative Developmental Biology at ETH Zurich, explains that organoids offer a unique advantage in research as they can be manipulated and tested with substances to gain insights into healthy tissues and diseases.

To create the atlas, Treutlein and her colleagues focused on studying retinal organoids derived from stem cells. They employed a cutting-edge imaging technique known as iterative indirect immunofluorescence imaging (4i technology), developed by Professor Lucas Pelkmans from the University of Zurich.

The 4i technology enables the visualization of multiple proteins simultaneously in high resolution using fluorescence microscopy. Traditionally, only three proteins could be stained at a time due to technical limitations. However, the researchers overcame this constraint by repeating the staining process 18 times, allowing them to capture the presence of 53 different proteins within the organoids.

This visual information was complemented by gene expression data, providing a comprehensive understanding of the function and development of various cell types within the organoids.

Furthermore, the researchers analyzed organoids at different stages of development, allowing them to create a time series of images and genetic information that spans the entire 39-week development of retinal organoids. This detailed time-lapse data yielded insights into how different cell types proliferate, the location of synapses, and the overall formation process of the retina.

The researchers have made their findings available to the public through a website called EyeSee4is, where detailed information on retinal development can be accessed.

While the focus of this study was on retinal organoids, the scientists have plans to extend their detailed mapping approach to explore other tissue types, such as different regions of the human brain and various tumor tissues. By systematically expanding this atlas, researchers hope to uncover new insights into organoid and tissue development.

The potential applications of this research are far-reaching. By deliberately disrupting the development of retinal organoids through drug administration or genetic modifications, scientists aim to gain a deeper understanding of conditions like retinitis pigmentosa, which leads to progressive degeneration of the retina and eventual blindness. This knowledge could pave the way for early interventions and treatments.

The development of this specialized atlas represents a significant advancement in our understanding of human tissues. It holds immense promise for unraveling the complexities of organ development and disease processes, providing a foundation for future research and medical advancements.

“Multimodal spatiotemporal phenotyping of human retinal organoid development” by Philipp Wahle, Giovanna Brancati, Christoph Harmel, Zhisong He, Gabriele Gut, James Sarabia del Castillo, Aline Xavier da Silveira dos Santos, Qianhui Yu, Pascal Noser, Jonas Simon Fleck, Bruno Gjeta, Dinko Pavlinić, Simone Picelli, Max Hess, Gregor W. Schmidt, Tom TA Lummen, Yanyan Hou, Patricia Galliker, David Goldblum, Marton Balogh, Cameron S. Cowan, Hendrik PN Scholl, Botond Roska, Magdalena Renner, Lucas Pelkmans , Barbara Treutlein and J. Gray Camp, May 8, 2023, Nature Biotechnology.
DOI: 10.1038/s41587-023-01747-2

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