ChatGPT can help you write more (and better), study finds

by time news

2023-07-18 11:24:00

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Amidst the hype surrounding generative AI (artificial intelligence), a new study from MIT researchers has shed light on the impact of ChatGPT and other platforms like it on work.

For those in a hurry:

MIT researchers studied the impact of ChatGPT and other platforms like it on productivity at work;They found that this type of technology increased the productivity of workers in writing-related tasks;The study also found that, in addition to writing faster, workers wrote better; The platform (ChatGPT, in this case) also helped to level the quality of work performed by professionals.

They found that this type of technology increased workers’ productivity in writing-related tasks. For example: writing cover letters, sensitive emails, and cost-benefit analyses.

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Study on ChatGPT and the like

(Image: Pedro Spadoni/Digital Look)

The study tasks were not exactly replicas of the real work. They didn’t require precise factual accuracy or context about things like a company’s goals or a customer’s preferences.

Still, several study participants said the tasks were similar to what they would do in their real jobs. And the benefits were substantial.

Access to ChatGPT cut the time it took employees to complete tasks by 40% and output quality, as measured by independent evaluators, increased by 18%.

The researchers hope the study, published Monday in the journal Science, will help people understand the impact that AI tools like ChatGPT can have on the workforce.

What we can say for sure is that generative AI will have a big effect on white collar work. I think what our study shows is that this type of technology has important applications in this type of work. It’s a useful technology. But it’s still too early to say whether it will be good or bad, or how exactly it will make society adjust.

Shakked Noy, a student in the MIT Department of Economics and co-author of the paper

work and chatbots

(Imagem: Markus Mainka/Shutterstock)

For centuries, people feared that new technological advances would lead to mass automation and job losses.

However, new technologies also create jobs. And when they increase worker productivity, they can have a net positive effect on the economy.

Productivity is a top priority for economists when thinking about new technological developments. The classic view in economics is that the most important thing that technological advance does is increase productivity, in the sense of allowing us to produce more efficiently.

Shakked Noy, a student in the MIT Department of Economics and co-author of the paper

To study the effect of generative AI on worker productivity, researchers gave 453 college-educated marketers, grant writers, consultants, data analysts, human resources professionals, and managers two writing tasks specific to their occupation. .

(Imagem: Thinkstock)

The 20- to 30-minute tasks included writing cover letters for grant applications, emails about organizational restructuring, and plans for analytics that would help a company decide which customers to send push notifications to based on the data provided.

Experienced professionals in the same occupations as each participant evaluated each text as if they were in the work environment. Evaluators did not know which submissions were created with the help of ChatGPT.

Half of the participants had access to the ChatGPT-3.5 chatbot, developed by the company OpenAI, for the second task. These users finished tasks 11 minutes faster than the control group, while their average quality ratings increased by 18%.

The data also showed that the performance gap between workers decreased, meaning that workers who received a lower score on the first task benefited more from using ChatGPT for the second task.

Next steps

(Imagem: Bloomberg)

The study offered a detailed look at the impact that tools like ChatGPT can have on certain writing tasks. But extrapolating that impact to understand generative AI’s effect on the economy is more difficult. That’s what the researchers hope to work on next.

There are so many other factors that will affect wages, employment and changes in industries that it would require evidence that is not in our article. But the magnitude of the time savings and quality increases are very large in our paper, so it looks like this is pretty revolutionary, at least for certain types of work.

Whitney Zhang, a student in the MIT Department of Economics and co-author of the paper

Both researchers agree that even if it is accepted that ChatGPT will increase the productivity of many workers, there is still a lot of work to be done to figure out how society should respond to the proliferation of generative AI.

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