ChatGPT correctly diagnoses a child with a rare disease that 17 doctors failed to see

by time news

2023-09-16 07:55:00

In the midst of a pandemic of Covidl’Alex began to have inexplicable pains. He four year old boy I had to take ibuprofen every day to feel some relief. But the symptoms did not go away. On the contrary, they went further, until stopped growing. There started one journey of doctors, hospitals and tests which did not yield any results. In more than three years, Alex visited 17 specialists and no one knew how to diagnose him correctly what disease afflicted him. Until her mother, Courtney, in a desperate attemptwent to ChatGPT. The chatbot application ofartificial intelligence (IA) told him what no doctor did: the boy has one rare disease named anchored cord syndromefrom which he will recover after surgery and rehabilitation.

The 17 doctors who visited Alex not only failed to find out what was wrong with him, but they diagnosed wrong pathologies. This led to a great hopelessness in the familywhich went further to see that the disease incapacitated the child to play with his friends and live a normal life. “We saw so many experts… we even ended up in the emergency room once. But I go keep insisting», explains Courtney to the American media.

This one obstinacy mixed with a very high dose of frustration included opening an account on ChatGPT. There he poured out the medical history from Alex “Line by line. All the symptoms. Everything that had happened to him. All test information. Everything”, declares the woman in the television program ‘Today’ of the NBC chain.

“I put the note that he couldn’t sit with his hands crossed. For me, this was one big trigger that something was wrong and that it was hard“, it needs. La Courtney remembers that he spent “all night” in front of the computer until the AI platform suggested the opinion of anchored cord syndrome “It made a lot of sense”, he recalls.

Despite the fact that the creators of artificial intelligence warn that this technology puts the human being at “risk of extinction”.the chatbot developed in 2022 by OpenAI has unexpectedly saved Alex: his mother joined one Facebook group of families of children with this pathology. “His stories were like my son’s,” he says.

Rare neurological condition

So she arranged a visit with a neurosurgeon, who, after looking at the boy’s MRI images, knew exactly what was wrong with him. “He told me bluntly: ‘Here is thespina bifidaand that’s where the marrow is anchored,’” explains Courtney.

Instead, the other 17 doctors diagnosed cavities, Covid, migraines, exhaustion, dizziness, sinus problems, airway obstructions, growth and sleep problems. The list of symptoms was very long. In fact, some experts went so far as to assert that he suffered from brain anomalies and various congenital conditions.

“No one was willing to solve the most important problem», adds ‘Today’. “No one even gave us a clue as to what it could be,” he complains. However, the final evaluation allowed the child to undergo surgery to release the tension in the spinal cord.

About anchored cord syndrome

The anchored cord syndrome it’s a rare neurological condition which occurs when the tissue in the spinal cord forms junctions (malformations) that limit the movement of the nerve tissue, causing it to stretch abnormally, according to theNorth American Association of Neurological Surgeons. The pathology is closely associated with theoccult spina bifidaa birth defect in which part of the spinal cord does not fully develop and the nerves are exposed.

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“In small children it can be difficult to diagnose because they can’t talk», explains Dr. de l’Alex, Holly Gilmer, pediatric neurosurgeon at the Michigan Head & Spine Institute, in Detroit (Michigan). In addition, the specialist explains that “many children with this condition have one visible opening on the back. But the type that Alex had was closed, although it is considered a case of spina bifida occulta.’

“The defender of your children”

After years of struggle, Courtney magnificently expresses what she feels. «Emotions of relief, validation, and excitement for their future”, he comments. In addition, he launches an allegation: “There is no one to connect the dots for you. You have to be your children’s advocate».

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