ChatGPT offers better answers than real doctors

by time news

2023-05-02 20:00:13

  • Computer scientist John McCarthy was the first to coin the term Artificial Intelligence in 1956.
  • A cross-sectional study published in JAMA Internal Medicine concluded that ChatGPT may provide better answers than actual doctors.
  • Experts affirm that it should not be seen as a threat but rather as an opportunity to complement medical care and the relationship with patients.

What used to seem like the story of a science fiction movie is now a reality. The term Artificial Intelligence is being heard more and more frequently but its limits are still not known with certainty. Among its highest representatives is ChatGPT and now a study claims it can offer better answers than real doctors.

Development and advancement of technology

One of the greatest advantages that a human has over any technological equipment is humanitarian service. This is a fundamental trait that until now no synthetic creation has been able to at least match. Although now that could change.

Before moving forward, some basic concepts should be understood. First of all, the The father of Artificial Intelligence is the computer scientist John McCarthy. In 1956 he described it as creating machines that can perform tasks previously thought to be human. Since then multiple teams have been developed and each one is superior to the last.

With this in mind, one of the biggest steps in technological evolution is ChatGPT. It is a chatbot based on the GPT-3 Artificial Intelligence language model and was developed by the OpenAI company. For its elaboration, more than 175 million parameters were used and it was trained to carry out different activities related to language, from translation to text generation.

From the above, this tool stands out because it not only offers automated responses but actually behaves like a human. The only thing that is required is to write any question and it automatically writes a highly complex answer. From his behavior it seems that he can really “think”.

Is ChatGPT better than real doctors?

But now the most interesting part is the study Comparing Physician and Artificial Intelligence Chatbot Responses to Patient Questions Posted to a Public Social Media Forum published by JAMA Internal Medicine.

The cross-sectional study analyzed 195 randomly drawn patient questions and compared them to the answers that ChatGPT provides when used to learn about health issues.

What was obtained is that most of the patients preferred the interaction with the technological tool. It was partly because his answers were more complete, but also because of a special point. What is mentioned is that there is more empathy than with real doctors.

Despite the above, it does not mean that technology is the replacement of doctors. The authors of the study affirm that this situation should be used in favor of health systems.

What is proposed is that ChatGPT could be used by medical assistants to offer general advice to patients. This could reduce the workload within the institutions to avoid the saturation that currently prevails.

And in your case, do you think that ChatGPT can one day be better than real doctors?

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#ChatGPT #offers #answers #real #doctors

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