ChatGPT | The 5 engineering projects most in demand by students, but the least paying in 2027, according to artificial intelligence | Society

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The choice a university career It is decisive for the future of young people. That is why, to secure their future, many choose to opt for engineering specialization because of its great salary offers. However, in a recent analysis, the It’s ChatGPT it was determined that five of these engineering occupations will be declining salary and will be the less paid in 2027.

According to the artificial intelligence, technological progress and the high number of graduates in these fields are some factors that would influence these engineering professions to reduce their salary offer. Which of these 5 specialties will pay the least in 2027, according to AI?

What are the 5 lowest paying engineering professions in 2027?

Thanks to its advanced algorithms, the AI ​​ChatGPT concluded that ‘while some engineering careers are in high demand today, the job landscape can change in a few years’ due to various factors such as advancement continuous technology. Therefore, the artificial intelligence chatbot prepared a list of the 5 specialties in this field that will be the least paid by 2027. They are:

  • Software engineering: Although this specialty continues to be one of the most requested due to the rise of technology and digitization, the market may be saturated due to the high number of graduates, as well as the increased automation of programming processes and certain development’.
  • Industrial Engineering: This profession is the most demanded by students in the field of engineering. However, ‘automation and artificial intelligence are making the most of industrial processes, reducing the need for engineers in traditional roles.’ This means that the salary offer will decrease in the coming years.
  • Telecommunications Engineering: With the growth of global connectivity and 5G networks, this engineering is in high demand. Despite this, as telecommunications infrastructure stabilizes and emerging technologies consolidate, the demand for new engineers may be decreasing, especially if they do not adapt to new technologies.

According to the AI, there will be a reduction in the salary offer in Telecommunications Engineering. Photo: Networks and telecommunications

  • Civil Engineering: Due to the constant need for new projects and infrastructure, this engineering is in high demand among students; However, according to AI, the adoption of advanced technologies such as modular construction, 3D printing in construction and intelligent project management could reduce the demand for traditional civil engineers by influencing salary offers.
  • Energy Engineering: Although this profession is booming due to the shift towards renewable and sustainable energy sources, the sophistication of these technologies and the standardization of the process.

What are the best paying engineering careers?

According to the web portal, My career, of the Ministry of Labour, these are the best paid engineers in 2024.

  • Systems and computer engineering: offers an average floor of S/4,323 and a maximum income of S/7,600
  • Mining, metallurgy and petroleum engineering: with an average monthly income of S/4,115 and a maximum income of S/7,454
  • Telecommunications engineering: with an average monthly salary of S/4,107 and a maximum income of S/7,040

ChatGPT | The 5 engineering projects most in demand by students, but the least paying in 2027, according to artificial intelligence | Society

In Peru there are very profitable occupations from an economic point of view. Photo: Composition from left / Study Peru

What is the most popular engineering profession in Peru?

Day IIndustrial engineering It is the most sought-after career by companies in Peru, as reported by the Ministry of Labor on its My Career web portal. In general, this specialty occupies the second place in the demand for jobs, surpassed only by the profession of administration.

What is the most difficult engineering degree to study in Peru, according to AI?

According to the analysis made by the IA ChatGPT, career Systems Engineering It is considered the most challenging and rigorous to study in Peru. This is because students need to acquire knowledge and develop basic skills in various areas, such as computer programming, databases, networking and computer security.

    The Systems Engineering profession is currently one of the best paid in Peru. Photo: University of Lima.

The Systems Engineering profession is currently one of the best paid in Peru. Photo: University of Lima.

Which universities in Peru teach engineering degrees?

In Peru, there are various private and public universities with attractive undergraduate programs in Engineering professions. Here are some of them:

  • National University of Engineering (UNI)
  • National University of San Marcos (UNMSM)
  • Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP)
  • Peru University of Applied Sciences (UPC)

    The AI ​​determined that 5 engineering departments will face salary reductions in 2027. Photo: Posada

The AI ​​determined that 5 engineering departments will face salary reductions in 2027. Photo: Posada

What is the easiest engineering degree to study, according to AI?

ChatGPT, an OpenAI Artificial Intelligence chatbot, chose the Industrial Engineering degree as the most accessible to pursue higher education in Peru. According to their analysis, this discipline “focuses on the optimization of processes and systems to improve efficiency and productivity in various industrial environments.”

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