“Chattering and harming the camp”: Regev shootings in a fierce attack on Moshe Gafni

by time news

Tensions in the Netanyahu bloc: MK Miri Regev (Likud) this morning (Monday), in an interview with “Shabbat Square”, attacked the chairman of Torah Judaism, MK Moshe Gafni, against the background of Gafni’s statements in recent weeks, when he did not rule out the option, in the event that he also This time the Netanyahu Bloc will not get 61 mandates, to team up with other candidates.

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“He’s babbling himself, he should talk less. Gafni’s statements hurt the camp, these statements drive people away from him. They don’t like him zigzagging. If he stops talking this idle talk and only deals with one thing, getting people to vote – we will bring more than 61”, said Regev.

“The ultra-Orthodox don’t have a better partner than the national camp and the Likud, and they know it. Lapid is a prime minister who doesn’t go to the Wall because the Jewish story doesn’t interest him. Will they form a government with him?”, she added.

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