Chavismo renewed: an obligation I Opinion I Julián Rivas

by time news

Those who believe that we will have better relations with the United States by making concessions and keeping silent before the Pentagon and the State Department are mistaken.

Julian Rivas

The world changes. The United States, Israel and Europe see their ability to maneuver in Asia, Africa and the Middle East reduced. But the United States wants to reconquer Latin America with NATO. That is why we must make changes in Chavismo, changes of a popular nature and in favor of the workers, to defeat the NATO opposition in 2024; Maria Corina; Capriles; Lopez, thanks. It is the only option.

The problem of the Zionist character that the US establishment has definitely come to have forces it to unify Latin America and demand the decolonization of the continent. Let them go to France for good; Holland, England.

The hatred of Peronism is curious. And certainly developmentalism contributed to the transformation of Argentina, which Perón understood very well. Salinism never understood Peronism. And they had popular bridges for the best relationship. And during World War II, to which I am going, the strategy of the United States was to isolate Peronists and communists. Eye. And what is the strategy of the Zionist-controlled United States in this time of World War III? Well, precisely to isolate Peronists and communists. There is a solution for all the countries of Ibero-America: clean up institutions, expand capital and redistribute; give popular and nationalist support to their efforts. Be really independent. Understand our Iberian origin differentiated from the Anglo-Saxon origin. That is why the NATO candidates must be defeated electorally. Defeat the globalists who are headquartered in London and in the Clinton-Obama Democratic Party, plus Israel.

The West wants to assault Venezuela. The turnaround in Saudi Arabia left it without a secure source of oil in the Middle East. My personal opinion: Chavismo has to go to elections with unscratched faces, that do not generate doubts and with a renewal of the leadership Policy. Back to Chavez. Those who believe that we will have better relations with the United States by making concessions and keeping silent before the Pentagon and the State Department are mistaken.

America is taken over by Zionism. The AngloZionist And they want to gobble up Venezuela. The country has so many resources that it can use any project. For example; on the sides of Cariaco, Sucre State, are the largest limestone reserves to produce cement, close to the sea. The energy that is elusive in the Middle East abounds in this Land of Grace.

The debate about the next few years is raging in Venezuela. There is a lot of dirty war. You can see the tail of the State Department and Israel of course, in any comment. The recent arrest of several officials curiously leads to aggressiveness against Syria and Iran. The matter is fallacious and impertinent, but the opposition expects electoral returns.

It is the war. In Venezuela and Argentina. It already occurs in Brazil with Bolsonaro’s Anglo-Zionism. One of the most rabid in the attack on Peronism is Marcos Aguinis; renowned Zionist writer. And Zionism has historically had a policy for Argentina. By the way; the party of Zionism in Venezuela is AD. The adecos have always been a courier of imperialism.

I tell you early. How curious: Leopoldo López is an AngloZionist. Capriles is an AngloZionist. María Corina is an AngloZionist. Guaidó is an AngloZionist. Tamara Sujú is an AngloZionist. The Ukrainian Nazis are AngloZionists. The black man who runs the Pentagon is an AngloZionist…He is one of the worst blacks. A foreman of the 21st century. What a crazy piece of shit.

The next elections will have an opposition campaign manager: NATO.

And the process? From scandal to scandal. Because there is no revolutionary vigilance Bad management is helping them gain space. NATO supports anyone who announces the privatization of PDVSA.

Whoever raises that will not win. If they win, we will enter a regime of liberal authoritarianism in favor of the United States; Israel and NATO. As simple as that.

Note for reflection: The happiest with the deregulation of the State applied by the petty bourgeoisie of Caracas has been Fedecámaras. That is why eight years ago, Cipriana, the Ugly Woman with Bolas de Consecomercio, insisted so much on putting the Sundee in the freezer and with the story of dollarization and scarcity freeing up prices. That’s not so random. But the neoliberals believe that only they read economics books and the other Venezuelans are painted on the wall. They even took Jorge Roig to the Administrative Council of the International Labor Organization (ILO) in Switzerland. Today Roig, agent of the gringos; He says that to increase the salary it is necessary to make changes in the Labor Law. What was in fact passes into law. If it continues like this, the policy of redistribution by wages and prices will be past. They will go for the Bolivarian Constitution later. Delete it. Such is the ideology of the bourgeois provosts. In that sack there is no shortage of otanist globalists, beware. See how a tactical turn, otherwise not consulted by the majority, can lead to a strategic defeat. Look, this petty bourgeoisie from Caracas deserves a fifth-floor beating. But there is time to renew and correct. Long live the people.

THE AUTHOR is a writer and journalist graduated from the Central University of Venezuela, lecturer and analysta International from Telesur TV.

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