Cheap and available in the market.. Detection of a famous fruit that fights osteoporosis and lowers cholesterol levels

by time news

A new study has shown that eating a handful of prunes a day can protect them from the risks of osteoporosis.

Plum contains healthy ingredients, vitamins and minerals, and is a powerhouse of vitamins A, C, K, B1 and folic acid, as well as minerals such as magnesium, phosphorous, zinc, calcium, zinc, fluoride and potassium, and provides dietary fiber. And low calories, according to the British newspaper The Independent.

And about the benefits of plums:

1- Fighting constipation: Plums are a good source of dietary fiber, in addition to the components of sorbitol and isatin in it that help regulate the digestive system, and these two components have a laxative effect that encourages the secretion of fluids in the intestines and fights constipation.

2- Reducing cholesterol: The fiber in plums binds bile acids and helps in their excretion. The liver increases the production of new bile acids by extracting cholesterol from the bloodstream. This helps significantly in lowering cholesterol levels.

3-Healthy food for diabetics: Prunes can be a healthy food for diabetics. It has been hypothesized that due to the high content of fructose and sorbitol, prunes do not cause a rapid rise in blood sugar level, delay glucose absorption by slowing down the rate at which food leaves the stomach, and The soluble fiber in plums increases insulin sensitivity and is therefore good for preventing and treating type 2 diabetes.

4- Fighting osteoporosis: Plum fights osteoporosis, as it is an important source of boron, which helps improve bone density.

5-Improve heart health: The phytochemicals in plums act as powerful antioxidants, helping to prevent heart disease, and plums are rich in fiber that also contributes to the prevention of these diseases.

6-Preventing high blood pressure: Because plums are high in potassium, it helps regulate blood pressure, and a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that about 17,000 participants who followed a high-potassium diet were less likely to develop high blood pressure. blood pressure.

7-Treatment of hepatitis: Prunes contain fiber, which is considered a treatment for liver disorders. A clinical trial was conducted to verify the effects of plums on liver function. Those with a high level of liver enzymes due to damaged liver cells were given 3 plums soaked in a cup. of water (250 ml) overnight, and after 8 weeks the participants showed a significant reduction in AST and bilirubin.

8- Get rid of excess weight: Plum is a good source of energy but it takes time to digest which makes a person full for a long period of time. It is also a good source of soluble fiber which helps you lose weight by preventing overeating.

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