Cheap battery for electric vehicles: Chennai IIT study team serious effort | Chennai IIT team serious effort to find Cheap battery for electric vehicles

by time news

New Delhi: Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Madras) in Chennai are working on a machine-rechargeable zinc-air battery to replace lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles.

Government press release: Researchers who applied for a new battery technology patent are working with large companies to develop zinc-air batteries. These are not only economical but also have a longer lifespan compared to current lithium-ion batteries. Zinc-air batteries can be used in two-wheelers and three-wheeled electric vehicles.

China dominates: The Indian electricity sector has been growing rapidly in recent times due to the positive policies of the Government of India and the measures being taken to reduce pollution. Lithium-ion batteries are often used in electric vehicles. China, a major producer of lithium-ion batteries, dominates the electric vehicle battery industry. Currently, Indian electric vehicle manufacturers mostly import lithium-ion batteries from China.

Zinc-air battery: Although lithium-ion batteries are widely used, there are various limitations, including that they are only available in limited quantities. Besides, lithium-ion batteries alone cannot meet the different needs of the Indian market. Dr. Arvind Kumar Chandran, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Madras, and his research team are working to develop a low-cost alternative to lithium-ion batteries. Since zinc is widely available, they are focusing on zinc-air batteries.

Future model: Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Madras, on the main purpose of their research. Arvind Kumar Chandran said, “Our research team is working on developing a future prototype for zinc-air batteries for electric vehicles. Zinc-air batteries have the greatest advantage because when using lithium-ion batteries the entire battery pack must be removed and the complete lithium-ion batteries replaced, thus doubling the capital investment on lithium-ion batteries. “

Recharge stations: Researchers also say that cats need to be included in any precautionary measures against the virus. Users of zinc-air batteries can come to these stations and recharge when they run out of battery, just like refueling vehicles at petrol stations. In ‘Battery Transfer’ based technology, motorists can replace their ‘Zinc Cassettes’ with fully recharged ‘Zinc Cassettes’ at ‘Zinc Recharge Stations’. Researchers are also trying to recharge used zinc cassettes with solar panels.

Speaking on the importance of this, Akhil Kongra, a research student at IIT Madras, said, “According to our plan, electric vehicle users will only have to spend a few minutes at zinc recharge stations to exchange zinc cassettes.”

Commenting on the operational safety of zinc-air batteries and lithium-ion batteries, Kunjan Kapadia, another research student at IIT Madras, said: Even these will not catch fire. “

The advantages of zinc-air batteries are:

  • Zinc is widely available in India.
  • Reduce imports of lithium-ion batteries.
  • Compared to lithium-ion batteries, zinc is less expensive.
  • Lithium-ion batteries range from $ 200 to $ 250 ($ 200 to $ 250 a KWhr), while zinc-air batteries cost $ 150 ($ 150 KWhr). Its price is expected to fall below $ 100 ($ 100 KWhr) when it comes to maximum use.
  • Zinc-air batteries are water-based and have a long life
  • Zinc-air batteries have good performance.

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