check out the main reasons for dismissal

by time news

A survey carried out by Pin People, HRtech, (HR startup), with 392 thousand employees of medium and large companies in Brazil shows what are the reasons that lead employees to resign from their jobs.

Among the main reasons are negative feedback from the team, the search for a balance between career and personal life and remuneration problems.

Most respondents (51.4%) are men, do not occupy leadership positions (70.6%) and belong to the Y generation, those born between 1981 and 1995 (60.3%).

The study also analyzed the impacts of “offboarding” processes (leaving) between groups divided by categories such as gender and seniority.

gender difference

One point that stands out is that 78% of men believe they had a respectful termination, compared to just 46% of women. In addition, 78% of men stated that there was clarity about the tasks they should perform, against 52% of women.

“The female audience feels less respected during layoffs and has a more critical view of the alignment [do cargo] in relation to day-to-day responsibilities”, explains the CEO of Pin People, Frederico Lacerda.

For the businessman, the numbers underscore the need to reformulate exit stages to improve women’s experience and, at the same time, to better delineate functions in organizations.

Evaluation of the bosses

Regarding the impression of dismissals by employees divided by seniority, those who leave with less than six months of work leave more positive evaluations of their superiors than those who resigned between six months and two years.

“This scenario can be related to the influence of the ‘honeymoon effect’, which weakens people’s critical sense in the initial contract period; or because of better selection processes, which reduce the number of candidates frustrated by the lack of alignment with the job’s expectations”, believes Pin People’s methodology coordinator, Luisa Aliboni.

termination policies

In view of the results of the study, Lacerda and Aliboni point out the need for companies to improve leave policies, “following the trend of ‘humanized termination’, with more empathy and greater acceptance in the farewell”, they advise.

For the CEO, the impact of an inadequate shutdown can jeopardize an entire successful working day, resulting in a worsening of the employer brand reputation and a decrease in the ability to attract new talent and former employees.

“In addition, it impacts on the deterioration of the organizational climate for those who remain in the company”, he adds.

Experts also reinforce the need to strengthen the practice of feedback and, above all, the leadership’s ability to conduct “difficult conversations”.

“This can even be a preventive factor to curb turnover rates, as many professionals leave companies without knowing the reason for their dismissal and indicate that they could have improved their performance if they had received more transparent feedback, before it was too late”, advises Lacerda.

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