Check the list of ‘communicable diseases’ that must be reported for epidemiological surveillance. Revised version on 1 Feb. 2023

by time news

The Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) has announced the “List of communicable diseases that must be reported for epidemiological surveillance according to the Communicable Diseases Act B.E. 2023) by categorizing the disease into 3 large groups:

1. dangerous contagious disease 13 disease Requiring immediate reports of suspected cases by preliminary notification to the provincial communicable disease committee without waiting for a final diagnosis from a doctor and do not have to wait for the ICD-10 code signing

These include plague, smallpox, Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever, West Nile fever, yellow fever, Lassa fever, and Nipah virus infection. Marburg virus infection Ebola virus disease Hendra virus infection Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome or MERS Very severe multidrug-resistant tuberculosis

2. Diseases that must be monitored and reported to the reporting system 506 57 disease code divided into

Gastrointestinal and water diseases These include cholera, food poisoning, and Shigella dysentery. Dysentery or amoebic dysentery Typhoid or typhoid fever paratyphoid fever or paratyphoid fever Liver fluke, botulism, mushroom food poisoning acute viral hepatitis A acute hepatitis E

respiratory tract infections These include influenza, pneumonia or pneumonia. Corona virus disease 2019

Vaccine Preventable Infectious Diseases including rubella-rubella fever with complications Chickenpox or chickenpox, polio, measles without complications Measles with complications, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, Japanese encephalitis, mumps, tetanus in newborns Congenital rubella fever

Central nervous system infectious disease group including meningococcal disease encephalitis meningitis at did not specify details

A group of infectious diseases transmitted by insects. These include dengue fever, dengue shock, malaria, scrub typhus, dengue fever, joint pain, mosquito bites. Zika virus infection

group of sexually transmitted diseases These include syphilis, congenital syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. chancre venereal disease of the glands and lymphatic vessels herpes of the genital organs and rectum Genital and anal warts Acute hepatitis B Acute hepatitis C Acute hepatitis D

contact infectious disease group including foot and mouth disease melioidosis Enterovirus, smallpox, ape fever

animal-to-human disease These include rabies or hydrophobia. Leptospirosis, anthrax, trichinosis Streptococcus suis infection brucellosis, avian influenza

3. Syndrome surveillance (reported as the number of patients) The data was reported in the form of data that counted the number of patients according to the symptom group receiving services at the hospital, using ICD-10 as a variable for counting numbers from the hospital database.

Consists of the following diseases: acute diarrhea Viral Conjunctivitis Acute flaccid muscle paralysis Adverse Events After Immunization Fever of unknown cause Fever caused by a viral infection

However, at the end of the announcement, there is a remark stating that diseases excluded from 506 reporting, namely tuberculosis of all systems and leprosy, must be reported as a patient register in the database at the Department. disease control

parasitic meningitis, scarlet fever, other unspecified sexually transmitted diseases, leishmaniasis, and elephantiasis. Patients should be investigated according to the criteria for outbreak investigation, such as clusters of cases or known diseases. New in the area and reported as an unusual epidemiological event.

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