Check the symptoms of “redness” after stopping drinking alcohol : PPTVHD36

by time news

In people who drink alcohol for a long time, 5-15 years onwards, can cause changes in the central nervous system. This causes subsequent problems such as trembling hands, irritability, intense temper, nausea and vomiting. if measuring pressure may have high blood pressure have a fast pulse problem sweat a lot But these symptoms are uncomplicated. But it gets more complicated as it gets. is the onset of convulsions as well

Symptoms of “dang red” from lack of alcohol can be divided into 4 groups according to the severity and duration of the symptoms as follows:

1. Uncomplicated alcohol deprivation The earliest symptoms and most frequently include tremors, tremors, tremors, irritability, nausea, and vomiting, which usually occur a few hours after stopping drinking, often occurring in the morning the next day Tremor is a very noticeable symptom, shaking at a rapid rate of 5-7 times per second. the vibration will be more when there is movement or have stress If you stretch your arms or stick your tongue out will be more evident

Other symptoms at this stage include fatigue, agitation, headache, anxiety, depression or irritability, sleep disturbances, and autonomic hyperactivity such as a rapid pulse, sweating, and high blood pressure. Some people may be delusional. which will look unclear and not long ago

These symptoms will be most severe in 24-48 hours and then gradually decrease to normal within 5-7 days, but may be easily irritated. Difficulty sleeping for 10 days or longer

2. Seizures caused by excessive brain stimulation caused by lack of alcohol (Alcohol withdrawal seizure) It was found that 90% had a seizure within 7-48 hours after stopping alcohol use.
Seizures are characterized mainly by seizures affecting all parts of the brain, occurring 2-6 times, but ongoing seizures are rare. About one-third of those with seizures develop severe alcohol withdrawal confusion ( alcohol withdrawal delirium) continue and when acute confusion occurs It is very rare that re-convulsions occur. Seizures after discontinuation of alcohol consumption are not indicative of The severity of being “alcoholism”

3. Psychosis associated with heavy alcohol use for a long time Alcohol hallucinosis usually begins within 48 hours of stopping drinking.
Distinctive symptoms to be psychedelic Most of which are sounds such as clock sounds, cars, bells, people talking. or threatening the patient The patient will be afraid, panic, restless. Other types of hallucinations, such as hallucinations, are less common, separated from acute disorientation. without delirium, disorientation, confusion or forgetfulness

Symptoms generally don’t last long. It’s only hours to days. which the patient will gradually realize that the sound heard is not real There are a small number of symptoms that do not heal. This group of patients often have symptoms for more than 6 months.

4. Detoxification of alcohol (Confused brain) Symptoms usually appear 2-3 days after stopping alcohol use and become most severe on the 4th-5th day, occurring in heavy drinkers for 5-15 years and have co-morbidities such as accidents, liver disease, infectious disease, etc.

The main symptom is delirium, which usually begins in the evening or at night. The patient will be confused. Hallucinations see people coming to hurt. I see the police coming to arrest me. or may see various animals, feeling that something is crawling on them Sometimes the ears sound, the sound of people talking, the sound of people threatening. fearful Sometimes speaking incomprehensibly, shouting, or hiding. Symptoms lasted all night In the morning, most symptoms will subside. Afternoon symptoms were normal. which is a swing of symptoms (fluctuation) Relatives tend to think that they have recovered, but in the evening, the patient begins to have symptoms again.

The severity and duration of each symptom group differed for each patient. It was found that 75-80% had mild symptoms, 15-20% had moderate symptoms. Only 5-6% develop delirium tremens, which generally develops within 3 days of hospitalization. Most of them have a lot of symptoms for about 3 days and then gradually subside. Cases with long-lasting symptoms were found to be an additional factor from other physical disorders. In the past, the mortality rate was about 15 percent. Currently, about 10 percent. 1-2

alcohol deprivation with psychiatric symptoms

1.) Ear Waew

2.) There is a feeling of fear.

3.) Hallucinations

4.) Delirium or dizziness

5.) Hallucinations

*but for the most part They will know that what he heard It didn’t actually happen.

in groups with severe symptoms It will have a more violent effect on the psyche. hallucinations, as if someone was going to hurt her, her ears sounded more and have other symptoms as well, for example, may shout, hide, is a symptom similar to a madman And the symptoms tend to be heavy at night, for example, during the day, it’s normal. But the night will be like a madman.

Alcoholism treatable First of all, the vitamin group must be given. in the group of patients with chronic alcoholism problems The absorption system of various nutrients is not good and there are some nutrient deficiencies. Which these nutrients are substances that are important to the functioning of the body, especially the brain. Nutrients that must be provided first are vitamin B1, vitamin B12 and folic group. Which your doctor may give you to eat or in case of severe symptoms, must be injected into the body And may have to give other drugs as well, such as drugs to control seizures, diuretics, because these people will have problems in excreting water from the body.

however “environment” is an important part should be in the light and without much noise should be closely monitored In order to help reduce the symptoms of hallucinations or fear symptoms.

Thank you for the source: Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital Mahidol University, Talk Program with Dr. Atjima

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