Cher Fitness: A Product of Unlimited Praise and Fawning.

by time news

The Sher Fitness network’s collapse was predictable due to numerous signs indicating a problem. It’s not just a financial collapse of a gym but rather a burst of hot air. The exaggerated attitudes, forced niceties, and the self-proclaimed vanity of the owner, known as the “Minister of Fitness, Israel’s fitness priestess,” were purely for publicity. She acted as a publicist, rather than as a trainer or instructor, and believed she was born to succeed.

Shir Sanda, along with her husband, established women’s gym branches that became successful. However, they recently encountered difficulties, including a request to freeze proceedings and an order to delay their departure from the country. This situation resembles the story of Inbal Or, who sold imaginary goods or haunted houses to make a profit.

In her fitness training, the owner asks trainees to sign up for training and tag the Instagram page, which does not involve fat or carbohydrate burning. She places herself before the class and the fitness routine. Even though there are no humorous remarks, she forces laughter to lift the mood artificially, which is, unfortunately, an effortful fake. The training sessions lack new and challenging exercises and, instead, include wind, bells, and fake laughter. The attempt to transmit happiness and joy does not last long in her life, and her extravagant lifestyle stands as proof.

The first sign of Sanda’s levitation was when she cried in a video because she had to cancel her thanksgiving party, following a disaster in Miron, which resulted in people dying. In her mind, the cancelation of her party was more of a tragedy than the national one. This behavior indicated worrying signs of egocentrism.

The one who manages the Sher Fitness network often receives endless flattery and praises, but the foundation of the success story is unknown. On social networks, it’s easy to disguise oneself as an expert or a preacher, making it possible to stand out even when the touch is basic, accidental or not very professional. This structure represents the signs of modern times, such as privatization of knowledge and accessibility of an agenda, even without formal education, as long as one believes in themselves and can persuade people. Charlatans often give lectures with tips for treating soul wounds, obesity, or suicidal thoughts. These are network charlatans whose bubble will burst one day.

Digital occupations create hollow, invented titles, such as “accessible processes,” “enhancers knowledge,” “leads the way,” “develops consciousness,” and “content producer”—all of these smashing professions derived from fields such as psychology, psychotherapy, philosophy, or art. Words and definitions have lost their meaning.

Sher Fitness is specialized in fitness, but the distance from the country’s sports priesthood, with branches and training and faith in a new way of sports, is too far. The owner, with her puffy hairstyle, bracelets, and rings, seemed to preach and market more than spur and coach. She describes herself as someone who “presents a fresh approach that believes in women, their abilities, and strengths, and thousands of women have already experienced a multidimensional change in their lives – from the outside and inside.” How does a person change with the mere act of jumping with weights?

At the beginning of 2022, Fitness stopped uploading a story on Shabbat and wrote that small efforts would lead to many good things happening. This appearance of effort was to become famous, wealthy, and successful in Israel and even abroad, but the business structure was based on a hollow vacuum.

The collapse of the Sher Fitness network was known in advance. All the signs were there. It’s not just a financial collapse and a dream of a gym that has exploded, it’s mostly a balloon full of hot air that has exploded. These are the exaggerated smiles, the endearing cheers, the effortful niceness, which have nothing to do with strength training or aerobics. The obligatory name she called herself – “Minister of Fitness, Israel’s fitness priestess” – is the epitome of vanity that she tried, with great success, as a publicist. For her, she was never just a trainer or instructor, she was born to succeed.

Minister of Fitness is called Shir Sanda. She and her husband established branches of women’s gyms that became a success story, but this month they ran into difficulties, a request to freeze proceedings, and this week an order to delay their departure from the country was issued against them. The resemblance to the story of Inbal Or is not only in the pompous appearance of the two women, but also in the ability to sell and market imaginary goods or haunted houses or other branches of institutes.

Her fitness training opens with a request to perform two actions that do not burn fats or carbohydrates: tag the page on Instagram and sign up for training. She puts herself before the class, before the fitness and before the trainees. After a short opening, she rolls with laughter along with the two trainees, even though nothing funny is said. She laughs to herself to lift the mood artificially, it’s an effortful fake.

In her training there is no new exercise or challenging interval, but only wind, bells and fake laughs. The attempt to transmit happiness and an atmosphere of joy does not last long, neither in life nor in economic matters. Bank Leumi’s statement to the court states that “she and her husband continued to live an extravagant lifestyle, made transactions in thousands of shekels and she continued to drive in a Porsche and her husband in a Range Rover.” There is no shekel in the bank account, and the lady is racing a Porsche.

The first sign of Saratha’s levitation was when she published the video in which she cries over the cancellation of the thanksgiving party she organized, following the disaster in Miron. In her world, this was the real tragedy, even before the national one. Even then, worrying buds of egocentrism were observed.

Sher Fitness is the product of a world of endless flattery and licking, but also of dizzying and meteoric success without an explained basis. On social networks it is very easy to be an expert and a preacher and to stand out in areas where your touch is either basic or accidental or not really professional. These are the signs of the times: the privatization of knowledge and the accessibility of an agenda, even when there is no formal study, certificate or institutional recognition behind them. Every person just wants to grow and grow far beyond their natural dimensions.

Lack of education is not a limitation. Misunderstanding is not an obstacle – as long as the host knows how to advertise herself on the networks, she can do anything. Just believe in yourself, smile at everyone, grow, prove, etc. People with a microphone and a PowerPoint presentation give lectures with tips for treating the wounds of the soul. or obesity. or by suicide. These people are network charlatans that one day the bubble will burst in their faces, or their customers.

Digital occupations that do not exist in reality have given rise to the phenomenon of hollow, invented titles, such as “accessible processes”, “enhancers knowledge”, “leads the way”, “develops consciousness”, “content producer” – all of them are smashing professions derived from real fields of knowledge such as psychology, psychotherapy , philosophy or art. Any person who is looking for new definitions to describe his work, apparently no such work exists in reality. The words have lost their meaning.

Fitness indeed specialized in its field, but from here to the country’s sports priesthood, with branches and training and faith in a new way of sports – the distance is great. With a magnificent and puffy hairstyle, bracelets and rings, she tried to preach and market more than to spur and coach. On her home page, she describes herself as someone who “presents a fresh approach that believes in women, their abilities and strengths… Thousands of women have already experienced a real and multidimensional change in their lives – from the outside, and just as importantly, from the inside as well.” What multidimensional change does a person go through while jumping in place with weights of one and a half kilos?

At the beginning of 2022, Fitness also took a religious step, and decided to stop uploading a story on Shabbat, and wrote: “You won’t believe how many good things will happen to you thanks to these small efforts.” It’s the appearance of an effort to become famous, get rich and succeed in Israel, maybe even abroad, but this business structure is based on a hollow vacuum.

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