Chiambretti leaves Mediaset and thanks Pier Silvio Berlusconi

by time news

Piero Chiambretti thanks the number one of Mediaset Pier Silvio Berlusconi on the pages of newspapers and through social media: “Thank you Pier Silvio for 15 fantastic years”, reads the notice and the post of the TV host.

After 15 years at Mediaset, which began in 2009 with the Chiambretti Night and continued with the management, among others, of Cr4 – The republic of women e di Get Taka, Chiambretti (68 years old) is about to return to Rai.

Fiorello’s scoop

“Chiambretti will soon visit us at Rai – CEO Roberto Sergio revealed during a live Instagram broadcast Fiorello last January 12th – I want to bring it back at all costs. What will he do? Television. We won’t place it in Fazio’s ‘zone’, but it will always be on Rai 3. Then he’ll come and see you and tell you.”

Chiambretti in Dogliani

He had been the same host last June during the TV Festival Of Dogliani to declare that he would welcome a return to public television, precisely at a time when the defections of the main faces of the television schedule were proliferating.

“Rai, as we know, is everyone’s mother and a return to Rai would be welcome especially now that everyone is fleeing. As a maverick I would love to go back. I don’t know if in that space or another… Of course we need to see with what spaces and guarantees: in Italy there is freedom of thought, but the problem is having the thought. Sometimes there is freedom and there is no thought.”

Berlusconi’s appreciation

For Piero Chiambretti “I have great respect, as well as a great personal relationship made of affection and I think it is right that he does what he most wants to do”, he commented at the end of January Pier Silvio Berlusconi during a meeting with the press. “Obviously – added the CEO of Mediaset – I think that returning to Rai could have a certain meaning for him, I don’t see it as a question of competition“. In any case, he concluded, “he knows that when he wants, if he wants, Mediaset will always be his home”.

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