Chiapas is placed in first place in the national index of subscription of reparation agreements

by time news


• As of February 2023, a 12% decrease in High Impact Crimes is reported.

Chiapas managed to rank first in the national index in the signing of reparation agreements in the solution of criminal disputes, reported the State Attorney General, Olaf Gómez Hernández, during the second plenary meeting of the year.

In the meeting held with matter, district prosecutors and general directors of the FGE, Gómez Hernández highlighted that according to the Model for Evaluation and Monitoring of the Consolidation of the Social Justice System, the Chiapas entity was located at the end of 2022 in the first place in the national ranking of reparation agreements with an index of 19.51%, above states such as Durango that report 16.93%, highlighting that the national average is 8.24%.

The person in charge of procuring justice in Chiapas explained that currently on the issue of Alternative Justice in the FGE Chiapas, 7 out of 10 files are referred to Alternative Mechanisms.

The head of the FGE mentioned that this achievement was highlighted at the State Peace and Security Table chaired by Governor Rutilio Escandón Cadenas, where the State Executive recognized the committed work of the State Attorney General’s Office, stating that with these actions not only does not obtain reparation for the damage, but also pays to consolidate the construction of a culture of peace and the restoration of the social fabric.

In this Plenary meeting, it was also reported that as of February 2023, a 5% decrease in Criminal Incidence and a 12% decrease in High Impact Crimes was reported, highlighting the downward report of the crimes of Kidnapping, Extortion, Robbery to Businesses and Vehicle Theft among others.

In the execution of Judicial Warrants, a 30% increase in arrest warrants was reported; 52% in obtaining Links to Process and 20% in Convictions.

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