Chicago City Council Approves Resolution in Support of Israel Amid Protests

by time news

Chicago City Council Approves Israel Solidarity Resolution After Heated Meeting

CHICAGO (CBS) — The Chicago City Council has approved a resolution declaring solidarity with Israel and condemning the recent brutal attack by Hamas. However, the decision came after a chaotic meeting disrupted by pro-Palestinian protesters.

The resolution, introduced by Ald. Debra Silverstein, the council’s only Jewish member, aimed to show support for Israel following the surprise attack launched by Hamas militants from the Gaza Strip. The attack resulted in the deaths of hundreds and the hostage-taking of many more.

“I urge my colleagues to be on the right side of history and to take a stand against Hamas’ evil. The United States of America stands with Israel. President Biden and Vice President Harris stand with Israel,” said Silverstein.

During the special meeting held to debate the resolution, pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian demonstrators clashed, repeatedly interrupting aldermen on the council floor. Mayor Brandon Johnson eventually ordered the public to be cleared from the chamber after protesters disregarded calls for decorum.

Richard Silverman, a supporter of Israel, expressed his desire for the resolution to pass, stating that it should be the easiest thing the City Council does during their term.

The symbolic resolution condemning Hamas’ attacks against Israeli citizens faced significant opposition and outcry, leading to the scheduling of the special meeting to address the controversy.

Even before the debate began, the council spent nearly 20 minutes arguing over whether they could vote on the matter the same day it was introduced. Mayor Johnson ruled that a two-thirds majority was needed to suspend the council’s normal rules, but his ruling was overruled by a simple majority vote.

Several aldermen raised concerns that the resolution failed to address the suffering of Palestinian refugees resulting from Israel’s blockade of Gaza and occupation of the West Bank. Opponents criticized Israel’s response to the Hamas attack, accusing them of endangering civilians through indiscriminate airstrikes and shelling.

Despite the controversy, the resolution was ultimately approved by a simple voice vote, with only one alderman officially recorded as voting against it.

Ald. Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez, who voted against the resolution, had previously called for its focus to also acknowledge the humanity and suffering of Palestinians. She emphasized the importance of recognizing the history of oppression, occupation, and violence endured by Palestinians.

After the resolution passed, Mayor Johnson quoted a rabbi who urged the importance of holding both the need for security for the Jewish people and the need for justice for the Palestinian people. He called for prayers for peace in the Middle East and vowed to continue fighting for liberation for all.

The approval of the Israel Solidarity Resolution by the Chicago City Council reflects the ongoing debate and division surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and underscores the challenges faced by politicians when addressing international issues with local implications.

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