Chikungunya case, Lucca orders tiger mosquito disinfestation – Health and Wellbeing

by times news cr

2024-08-07 10:27:36

(ANSA) – LUCCA, 07 AUG – Due to the suspected case of a patient suffering from Chikungunya, the Municipality of Lucca has ordered, as a precaution, the disinfestation of an area in the area of ​​via di Sant’Alessio and in the side streets, including road drains, manholes, green areas, and gardens.
The intervention stems from the detection of a person who had contracted the disease in a tropical country and who had stayed in a home in that area of ​​the city. Chikungunya, the Municipality of Lucca recalls, is a viral disease transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes, in particular of the Aedes genus (tiger mosquito), an insect that has been present in the municipality for years. It was therefore decided, as a precaution, for the protection of public health, to rapidly reduce the density of the tiger mosquito in the areas of the city where the sick person had stayed.
The disinfestation began this morning and is being carried out with insecticides, both adulticides and larvicides, both in public areas and on private properties. (ANSA).

2024-08-07 10:27:36

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