Child abuse; Malayalee student arrested in UK Police spread the net | Britain Student Arrest

by time news

Malayalee student arrested in UK in child molestation case A 24-year-old man from Kottayam Ramapuram has been arrested for a crime that defames the entire Malayalee community in Britain. The Malayalee student was caught in a sting operation carried out by the police and the child protection team through social media. The gang operated by creating a fake profile in the name of a 14-year-old girl. The young man approached the child for sex through a profile created by the intelligence team on social media and tried to contact her through a chat and take her to a hotel in London. The child protection team arrested the youth and handed him over to the police.

A young man who was a student at Hertfordshire University has been arrested for allegedly trying to have sex with a minor girl. The young man, who lives in Luton, arrived at Hemel Hemstead, about two hours away, to pick up the girl. But what was waiting here was the sting operation team that disguised itself as a girl on social media. The young man, who pleaded guilty during interrogation along with the group’s evidence, apologized and tried to escape, but was arrested for a serious crime. The young man, who worked as a caretaker along with his studies, will now have to return home after facing legal action.

Broken Dreams, a voluntary organization that works as part of online child protection, and Sacred Soul, a dictatorial agency that helps them, set traps for those who try to abuse children through social media. They also shared details of the operation through their social media page. The arrested youth was constantly chatting on the profiles of two 14-year-old children. The group was interrogated along with pictures and videos sent to them by the youth.

The young man pleaded that he had come to study in the UK at a cost of Rs 15 lakh and that it was an accidental mistake due to ignorance, but the arrest could not be avoided. This incident is another direct reflection of the sales and misinformation shown by some of the children who come to study in the UK even at the risk of their home or land. Migrant student communities are notorious for not knowing the rules and abusing the individual freedom granted by British society. The arrest of the Malayalee student is a lesson that the Malayalee students who come to the UK every day in a vicious circle of fake temptations by the agents should be more careful in social media and social life.

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1 comment

Frank Sterle Jr. February 17, 2022 - 3:10 am

I strongly believe that the health of all children — and not just what other parents’ children might or will cost us as future criminals or costly cases of government care, etcetera — needs to be of real importance to us all, regardless of how well our own developing children are doing. A physically and mentally sound future should be every child’s fundamental right — along with air, water, food and shelter — especially considering the very troubled world into which they never asked to enter. Indeed, mindlessly minding our own business on such matters has too often proven humanly devastating.

If it is physically survived, the emotional and/or psychological trauma from unhindered toxic abuse usually results in a helpless child’s brain improperly developing. If allowed to continue for a prolonged period, it can act as a starting point into a life in which the brain uncontrollably releases potentially damaging levels of inflammation-promoting stress hormones and chemicals, even in non-stressful daily routines. It’s like a discomforting anticipation of ‘the other shoe dropping’ and simultaneously being scared of how badly I will deal with the upsetting event, which usually never transpires. From bitter personal experience, I’d call it a form of non-physical-impact brain damage.

The lasting mental pain is very formidable yet invisibly confined to inside one’s head. It is solitarily suffered, unlike an openly visible physical disability or condition, which tends to elicit sympathy/empathy from others. It can make every day a mental ordeal, unless the turmoil is treated with some form of medicating, either prescribed or illicit.


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