Child with “glass bone” disease walks for the first time at 11 years old –

by time news

2023-12-07 18:09:15

at Silvia Turin

The little one was able to remain upright after 4 operations and a long rehabilitation. Used 3D prints and telescopic nails at the Meyer hospital: Satisfied, but the child has a complex disease, which will continue

An 11-year-old boy was able to walk on crutches for the first time thanks to a complex operation performed at the Meyer pediatric hospital in Florence.

Glass bone disease

The child suffers from the glass bone disease, osteogenesis imperfecta, which involves a collagen defect and, in severe cases, extreme bone fragility. In his case, the pathology was such that over the years it had caused him a serious deformity and a saber-shaped curvature of his legs which had made it impossible for him to move in an upright position.
Doctors at the children’s hospital faced the 4 necessary operations by training with life-size models of the child’s deformed bones, obtained with 3D printing by the joint laboratory T3Ddy.
Finally performing a series of osteotomies (targeted cuts to the bone), they straightened the little boy’s legs. The use of telescopic nails capable of lengthening and accompanying the growth of the child was also fundamental, although he has had and will need a long rehabilitation process.

A long journey

We did everything to align the limbs and allow the child to start walking – Giovanni Beltrami, head of pediatric orthopedics and traumatology at Meyer, explained to Ansa -. We are very satisfied with the result, the patient responded very well and the clinical results are positive. But the child has a very complex disease, which will continue. An interdisciplinary pool of doctors will have to accompany him during the evolution of the disease.
When the child’s parents turned to the Pediatric Orthopedics of the Aou Meyer Irccs, the child had just suffered yet another fracture of the diaphysis of the femur and until then had only been able to move by crawling.

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December 7, 2023 (changed December 7, 2023 | 5:07 pm)

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