Childcare, private jets, “superdividends”… What remains (or not) in the text

by time news

A passage in force, but with a few small adjustments. The government retained a hundred parliamentary amendments in the version of the budget submitted to 49.3 this Wednesday afternoon, with an increase in expenditure to 700 million euros. What items are retained? Set aside? We take stock here.

child care

The executive backs cross-partisan amendments to help households pay for childcare. In 2023, the tax credit ceiling for expenses will increase from 2,300 to 3,500 euros per dependent child. Estimated cost: 200 million euros.

SME taxation

This is a signal sent to MoDem and LR deputies. The government wants to give SMEs a fiscal boost. The ceiling on profits subject to the reduced corporate tax rate of 15% will amount to 42,500 euros, compared to 38,120 euros currently. It is an “effort” of 170 million euros, according to Bercy.

“For small SMEs, the level of taxes must be lowered further, because they are faced with the energy crisis, they can no longer pay their energy bill”, recently underlined the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire. .

Private jets

The government is keeping a majority amendment aimed at removing a tax advantage enjoyed by private jets for their fuel (reduced excise rate).

Not enough to convince environmentalists like Eva Sas, who calls for “much more ambitious proposals”, such as an “eco-contribution” from the air sector, taking up a recommendation from the Citizen’s Climate Convention.

VAT on masks

Bruno Le Maire supports the proposal of the socialist Valérie Rabault to extend for an additional year the reduced rate of 5.5% VAT applicable to masks, protective clothing and hygiene products intended for the fight against the spread of Covid- 19.


In the Hemicycle, the majority finally rallied to amendments from all the opposition benches in order to broaden a tax advantage for the widows of veterans. The government withholds the additional tax half share available to all widows and widowers of veterans, “regardless of the age of death of their husband”.

Restaurant vouchers

The Minister of the Economy looked “with benevolence” at the proposal of deputy LR Marc Le Fur to increase the value of the meal voucher subject to exemption to 13 euros. Today its value giving right to the maximum exemption from the employer’s share, that is to say 5.92 euros, must be between 9.87 and 11.84 euros. Estimated cost: 140 million euros.

The communities

It was one of the budget hot spots. Bercy emphasizes the support provided to communities, with an increase in the “global operating grant” (DGF) of 320 million euros.

Above all, the government has retained an energy “safety net” for communities, an amendment by Horizons MP Lise Magnier. This system must “benefit communities that will have suffered a loss of gross savings greater than or equal to 25% in 2023 and whose increase in energy expenditure will be greater than 60% of the increase in actual operating revenue”.

The executive also retains an amendment from the Liot group against real estate overspeculation in Corsica and plans for the whole country to expand the “zoning” where municipalities are authorized to increase the housing tax for second homes.

No taxation of “super dividends”

It is a big bone of contention within the majority and with the opposition. The executive did not retain the MoDem amendment voted by the Assembly for a taxation of “super dividends” from large companies.

Bruno Le Maire finds the measure “deeply unfair”. “It only applies to French companies, as always, and not to foreign companies. This means that the French investor will have more interest in buying shares of Amazon, because they will be taxed at 30%, than shares of Danone or a French group because they will be taxed at 35% ” , argued the minister in particular.

The boss of the MoDem group, Jean-Paul Mattei, a member of the majority, does not budge and wants to continue to defend the measure at second reading. Same opposition from the executive to the PS amendment establishing a tax credit for the remainder payable by all residents of nursing homes. And no restoration of the “exit tax”, against the tax exile of entrepreneurs, an amendment which had been voted by a coalition of oppositions but which the government rejects.

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