Children born this way are at a higher risk of developing cancer

by time news

According to a new study, it seems that children born from frozen embryos are at a higher risk of developing cancer. Researchers from the University of Gothenburg say that chemicals used in the thawing process may cause genetic changes that trigger tumors. The findings add to growing concerns about the transfer of cryopreserved embryos. The results come from a study of almost eight million young people in Scandinavia.

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The results show that the most common forms of the disease in these people include leukemia and tumors affecting the central nervous system. The study found no higher risk of cancer from IVF or other types of assisted reproductive technology (ART). ART Makes it possible to create an embryo from a human egg and sperm in the laboratory. A doctor usually immediately transfers the fetus to the uterus. However, the practice of freezing and later thawing embryos before implantation is increasing worldwide.

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The Swedish team analyzed medical data from Scandinavian countries, following 171,744 children born after ART and 7,772,474 in natural pregnancy. Among the first group, 22,630 were born after a frozen-thawed transfer. Statistical analysis showed that they are more likely to develop cancer later in life. However, when researchers combined these children into one group—frozen and fresh embryo babies—the use of each type of ART did not result in an increased risk of disease. The researchers stress that people should interpret their results with caution. Although the study was large, only 48 children born from frozen embryos later developed cancer.

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