Children Throw Glass Bottles from 32nd Floor Hotel, Injure Woman in Times Square

by time news

Title: Youngsters Throw Bottles from 32nd Floor of Times Square Hotel, Injuring Woman Below

By Larry Celona and Patrick Reilly
Published Dec. 29, 2023, 9:18 p.m. ET

At least two youngsters chucked glass bottles of alcohol from the 32nd floor of a hotel near Times Square Friday, injuring a woman below and temporarily shutting down the street, according to police sources.

The loud bangs of the glass smashing onto West 44th Street caused a brief panic at the Crossroads of the World, where some mistook them for gunfire, sources said.

“I can understand why people thought it was gunshots. When something falls 32 stories and hits the ground, it will make a loud noise,” a law enforcement source told The Post.

The culprits, a 12-year-old and at least one other child, were staying with their parents at the InterContinental New York Times Square hotel on West 44th Street between Eight and Ninth avenues when they pulled the dangerous stunt, sources said.

The youngsters tossed glass shooters of booze from the 32nd floor window shortly before 5 p.m., the sources said.

On the street, a 24-year-old woman was injured, suffering a cut to her head, police said.

She was taken to Bellevue Hospital in stable condition.

The incident temporarily shut down West 44th Street as police investigated, sources said.

“It sounded like an explosion or gunshots,” one passerby told an officer, according to a source.

Police have not yet filed any charges related to the incident.

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