Children Vomit After Taking Medicine, Medicine for Babies: If the child vomits after drinking medicine, then follow this advice of the doctor – what to do if child vomits medicine immediately after taking it – 2024-03-03 15:35:03

by times news cr

2024-03-03 15:35:03
Small children shy away from taking medicines. Medicines are bitter and children do not like their taste. That’s why they run away at the sight of medicines. In such a situation, if they fall ill, the tension of the parents increases. Because giving them medicine becomes a very difficult task. Especially if a child vomits after drinking medicine, he does not understand what to do.

If your child also vomits immediately after giving antibiotics, you do not need to worry. Pediatrician Dr. Santosh Yadav has shared a video on Instagram. In this he has told what to do when your child vomits after drinking medicine.

How to give medicine to a child

What to do if a child vomits?
According to the doctor, if your child vomits after taking the medicine, wait for him to calm down for 5-10 minutes and then repeat the dose. Don’t worry, this is normal and necessary for the medicine to work effectively. If vomiting occurs for the third time, you can consult a doctor.

Do not give medicine again and again-

Be careful not to give medicine again and again may cause diarrhea, This happens especially with some antibiotics. The doctor may ask your child to give antibiotic shots instead of oral antibiotics.

How to give medicine-

If your child is eating solids, you can give him the medicine with a spoon like food. Otherwise you can give the medicine using a syringe under his cheek. Some medicines can also be mixed with formula or breastmilk. But do this only in small quantities. Because if you mix medicine in it, your child may refuse to drink the whole thing after seeing a full bottle, thus not getting the correct dose.

How to stop vomiting in a child after giving medicine-

  • For children below 6 years of age, medicines should be selected which are easy to take.
  • In the case of tablets, you should ask your doctor if you can crush or dissolve them and give them to your child.
  • To avoid reacting to the medicine, the medicine should not be mixed with milk or food.
  • It is important to divide the time of taking the medicine. This helps children avoid vomiting after taking the medicine.
  • Parents should be careful while giving the syrup to children to avoid choking.
  • If the child vomits after taking fever-reducing medicine, parents can replace it with a suppository.
  • It is not easy for parents to raise children. It is a process of learning. The younger the child is, the more care he needs, so to avoid affecting the health, consult a doctor before applying it on the child.

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