2024-07-31 16:37:53
It has been found that breakfast has a great impact on the happiness of growing children.
A study of nearly 150,000 children and adolescents (ages 10 to 17) around the world found that those who frequently skipped breakfast were less satisfied with life than those who ate breakfast regularly.
According to a joint study by Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) in the UK and the University of the Americas in Ecuador, published in the ‘BMC Nutrition Journal’, there was a nearly proportional relationship between the frequency of breakfast consumption and life satisfaction in children and adolescents.
Participants who ate breakfast every day had the highest life satisfaction, while children who skipped breakfast at all had the lowest life satisfaction.
Among the 42 countries surveyed, children in Portugal who ate breakfast every day had the highest life satisfaction, while children in Romania who never ate breakfast had the lowest life satisfaction. This suggests that there may be socioeconomic factors influencing the results.
“Our study is broad and we found a consistent link between breakfast frequency and life satisfaction,” said Professor Lee Smith, from ARU’s School of Public Health. “There are a number of potential reasons for this. Previous studies have shown lower mood, greater anxiety, stress and depression in adolescents who skip breakfast.”
He continued, “A proper breakfast provides the energy and nutrients needed for optimal cognitive function, and improves concentration, memory, and learning ability. Breakfast can play an important role as part of a daily routine that can start the day positively. Although there may be some discrepancies depending on the culture, lifestyle, and socioeconomic factors of each country, overall, in all the countries surveyed, children who ate breakfast every day showed higher life satisfaction than those who did not.”
“There was a nearly linear relationship between breakfast frequency and life satisfaction among children and adolescents,” the researchers wrote. “Given the potential health benefits associated with breakfast during this critical period, these findings suggest that greater international efforts are needed to increase breakfast consumption among children and adolescents.”
Reporter Park Hae-sik, Donga.com [email protected]
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2024-07-31 16:37:53