Children’s syncytial virus: what is the Ferragnez daughter’s disease

by time news

Infant syncytial virus: symptoms and possible treatments for the pathogen that attacks the respiratory system of newborns. Vittoria, daughter of the Ferragnez affected by the virus, is in hospital but “is fine”

In the last few hours, interest in the syncytial virus or RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) has increased. This pathogen also affects adults but is more common among children in the first years of life. The number of cases of this disease in Italy, from North to South, is increasing worryingly and pediatric wards and intensive care units in hospitals are beginning to be in serious difficulty. Among the children affected by the syncytial virus there is also Vittoria, daughter of the Chiara Ferragni-Fedez couple. “She is fine and finally she feels more energized. – wrote the influencer on Instagram describing the physical condition of the little girl – Now we just need her oxygen levels to return to normal”.

Children syncytial virus, symptoms

The outbreak of syncytial virus was expected but arrived “2 months early”, as Fabio Midulla, president of the Italian Society for Childhood Respiratory Diseases (Simri), full professor of pediatrics at the University La Sapienza is in charge of the pediatric emergency room at the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome. “The syncytial virus if contracted in the first months of a child’s life causes severe forms of bronchiolitis, with clinical manifestations in the lower respiratory tract, – explains the expert while in older children and adults it resolves with mild symptoms, such as nasopharyngitis, fever or cough “.

Syncytial virus, how it is transmitted

“But newborns are often protected by maternal antibodies that are ‘transmitted’ through the placenta. This time, however, it was not so and the epidemic that usually arrives in December-January broke out 2 months in advance. We expected it because for a year and a half the virus did not circulate thanks to the anti-Covid measures – continued Midulla – “As soon as these measures were relaxed, the older siblings returned to kindergarten or school, and with a population without antibodies the virus has started to circulate, immediately and earlier than usual, and is giving serious forms in the very young ”.

At the moment, as the virologist Roberto Burioni pointed out, there is no vaccine against the syncytial virus but “three phase III trials of vaccines for mothers and therapies with monoclonal antibodies are underway, indicated however only for premature and particularly fragile babies. such as heart patients “, said Midulla. Prevention therefore remains “the main weapon, which consists of precautionary measures such as hand washing, masks, disposable handkerchiefs to always throw in the garbage, distancing in the case of a sick older brother and not sending school the children before they are healed. “

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