Chilquinta and Emilia Foundation reiterate their preventive call on National Holidays – G5noticias

by time news

2023-09-08 01:25:59

In the four days of celebration that lie ahead, the distributor and its strategic ally, Fundación Emilia want to promote safe celebrations, remembering the risks of flying kites in non-authorized areas and reiterating their call to drive with caution.

“As a Company we want to reiterate our call for self-care and responsibility. It is important to continue promoting our typical games to new generations, but always performing them in authorized areas. In 2023 alone we registered more than 7 thousand customers interrupted due to volantines that intervene in the network, therefore, we insist that these be elevated in areas free of electrical infrastructure, since in addition to harming the continuity of supply, they can cause damage. in the physical integrity of those who try to rescue them,” said the Deputy Manager of Chilquinta’s Distribution Operation, Luis Sepúlveda.

Due to the above and with the objective of ensuring the integrity of people and facilities, on Chilquinta’s official platforms, clients will be able to review maps that detail the safe sectors to raise kites in the Valparaíso Region, with the purpose to promote this activity to be practiced in large spaces and without risk of accidents.

Safe Driving

On these dates of celebration, the visit of compatriots who come to the Valparaíso Region to enjoy the inns and a few days of relaxation is expected. In this context, Fundación Emilia and Chilquinta reiterate their call to drive with caution and not to drive under the influence of alcohol and drugs, since they can cause road accidents, among which collisions with poles stand out.

“From the Emilia and Chilquinta Foundation we want to put aside a little of the sadness generated by road accidents and unfortunately the deaths and ask people to join in a preventive and empathetic message, empathetic not only with their own lives, but also with those who share the roads daily with us. Understanding that road accidents have factors that are totally avoidable is a step forward in building more tolerant societies. Understand that whoever drinks or uses drugs does not drive and does not speed or talk on a cell phone,” said the President of the Emilia Foundation, Carolina Figueroa.

In 2023, more than 148 thousand Chilquinta customers have been affected by service interruptions due to damage to the facilities, which implies inconvenience for the residents of the affected sectors, due to the temporary loss of electricity supply, in addition to jobs. linked to the removal and replacement of the destroyed poles. Likewise, they can involve critical clients, such as electro-dependent people, hospitals and care centers.

“We take this opportunity to inform that, as is usual at this time, our Company reinforces both the contingent of personnel in the field and the service channels, in order to maintain operational continuity and contact with customers,” added Deputy Operations Manager. Distribution of Chilquinta, Luis Sepúlveda.

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