China conducts war drills near Taiwan island…. Released information….!!!!

by time news

China has announced that it has engaged in war rehearsals near the disputed island of Taiwan. China has made this announcement in a situation where tension has increased due to reports that US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may visit Taiwan, which the country considers a part of it. In this regard, the Chinese government news agency said, “The Chinese army engaged in war rehearsals on Pingtan Island near Fujian Province.

The news agency reported that real bombs and explosives were used in this war rehearsal which took place from 8 am to 9 am. However, there is no information regarding whether missiles and warplanes were involved in the war rehearsal. Although Taiwan has been functioning as a separate country since the Sino-Chinese Civil War, China still considers Taiwan a part of its territory. Chinese President Xi Jinping has said that he has the right to annex Taiwan to China and will use military force if necessary.

In this case, it was reported last week that Nancy Pelosi may travel to Athens. If confirmed, Pelosi will be the first senior US MP to visit Taiwan since 1997. China strongly opposes this. Xi Jinping warned that the US is playing with fire by interfering in the Taiwan issue. In this context, it is noteworthy that China is currently engaged in war exercises near Taiwan.

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