China evacuates thousands of civilians and pushes Russia and Ukraine on the path of negotiations –

by time news
Of Guido Santevecchi

The People’s Republic evacuated 2,300 people and set up a channel of political dialogue with Kiev. Xi Jinping is maneuvering with great caution to avoid an alleged support for the “Tsar” being isolated

It is the evacuation of Chinese civilians from Ukraine that dominates the Beijing war news. “One of the largest operations for the recovery of citizens abroad in the history of China”writes the press, underlining that “in just two days, 2,300 Chinese residents have already been taken out of Ukraine, with a massive use of buses escorted by diplomatic personnel and local police forces”.

The latest news on Russia and Ukraine live

Precisely the fact that Beijing had not recalled its approximately 6,000 residents in the cities that ended up under the bombings is yet another indication of theXi Jinping’s unpreparedness for this crisis. Only yesterday (1 March, a week after the outbreak of the war), the People’s Republic activated a channel of political dialogue with Kiev, trying to recover credibility as a “great responsible power” in managing the crisis (it is Xi who in numerous interventions assigned this role to his country, no longer committed only to being the “factory of the world”).

Yesterday, therefore, the Foreign Minister Wang Yi spoke on the phone with his Ukrainian colleague Dmytro Kuleba and for the first time he used the word “conflict” (however, Beijing does not speak of “invasion”, ed.). In the report of the XinhuaWang Yi said that Beijing has “an open, transparent and coherent position” on Ukraine since “He always maintains that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries should be respected” (we must not forget that Putin claims that large parts of the Ukrainian territory are Russian and therefore Beijing does not take a position in favor of Kiev, ed).

Wang Yi “stated that the situation in Ukraine has changed rapidly and China regrets the outbreak of a conflict and is extremely concerned about the suffering of civilians.” A key passage in the reasoning of the Chinese chief of diplomacy is that «The People’s Republic asks Ukraine and Russia to find a solution to the question through negotiations and supports every international effort that can lead to a political solution ”.

There is still no Chinese mediation proposal, in this official report, although Wang Yi’s intervention has prompted a weighty newspaper like the Financial Times to owner: “China offers itself as a peacemaker.” But it is clear that Xi Jinping is maneuvering with great caution for avoid being isolated in alleged blindfold support for Putin’s adventurism. Chinese abstention in UN Security Council in the vote of condemnation of Russia it was the first sign of embarrassment in the face of the neo-imperialist enterprise of Russia.

Western political scientists believe that even Xi before the invasion let himself be played by his friend Putin e blinded by his distrust of the United States, when on February 4 he signed the joint China-Russia declaration which promised “a partnership without limits” and stated that “there are no forbidden areas for cooperation between Beijing and Moscow”. It had to be the birth of a holy covenant against “NATO expansionism and its cold war mentality”. It is a pity that, according to all the evidence, the Tsar has neglected to inform Xi about the imminent military adventure that has destabilized the world.

In the weeks leading up to the invasion, Chinese foreign policy advisers had argued that there would be no war, which was an alarmism fomented by Washington to scare and destabilize Europeans and persuade them to follow its line of containment of the rising East. American intelligence revealed that it had informed its Chinese colleagues of the massing of Russian troops and vehicles on the Ukrainian borders and that Beijing did not believe it and indeed passed the material to Moscow (the Chinese disdain this version).

And here, emerges the foundation of the alliance between Xi and Putin announced on February 4: the two leaders share a deep distrust of the United States. Now, Xi has new food for thought.
1) The slogan that the system of Western democracies is “decadent” has been denied by the compactness demonstrated in the response to Russian aggression.
2) The disorder sown by Putin is the exact opposite of the international stability that Xi needs to consolidate the global successes of his China.
3) Oil, gas, grain arriving from Russia would never repay China for the damage international sanctions in case Xi is tempted by the military option to end the game in Taiwan.

March 2, 2022 (change March 2, 2022 | 13:19)

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