china omicron: Omicron virus disturbing China: discovery of new types: 2,000 people affected in one day

by time news

First Published Oct 11, 2022, 9:56 AM IST

In China, strains of omicron virus that spread rapidly, causing severe damage, are PF 7, and PA 5.1.7. Types of viruses have been discovered. Over 2,000 people have been infected in the last 24 hours.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is about to be held.

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China finds novel sub-variants of the Omicron BF.7 and BA.5.1.7 virus

Li Sujian, deputy director of China’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told The Global Times that the PF7 strain of Omicron virus is spreading rapidly in various provinces of China. The virus was first discovered in cities in northwestern China. Another type of PA 5.1.7. “The virus has been detected in major cities in China,” he said

The speed of spread of PF-7 Omicron virus has increased since last 4th. Every day many people are getting infected with virus in different cities. In the last 24 hours alone, 2,000 people have been infected with the Omicron virus, according to Chinese health officials.

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China finds novel sub-variants of the Omicron BF.7 and BA.5.1.7 virus

PF-7 and PA 5.1.7. It is noteworthy that the World Health Organization has also warned that the type of virus is very dangerous and can spread at a high speed.

In an interview with China’s The Global Times, a medical professor said, “Omicron virus PF7 and PA5.1.7. There is no vaccine for this type of virus. If preventive measures are not taken in time, these two viruses will cause a huge impact in China,” he warned.

As strains of the Omicron virus have begun to spread across various provinces in China, restrictions have been re-introduced in many cities. Offices were closed and employees were asked to work from home.

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The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will soon be held in Beijing. By then, the government is actively working to make the city corona virus free. However, 14 people were found to be infected with Omicron in Beijing.

China finds novel sub-variants of the Omicron BF.7 and BA.5.1.7 virus

China is persistently following the Zero Covid policy. That is why lockdown, area control etc. are still going on in various cities. Due to this people are still facing various difficulties.

The BF7 strain of the Omicron virus was found in thousands of people in some states in Mongolia on the 1st. It seems that the PF7 virus may have spread to China from here

Last Updated Oct 11, 2022, 9:57 AM IST

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