China receives signal from aliens – NEWS 360 – WORLD

by time news

BEIJING: China has withdrawn its statement following claims that it received signals from alien community. The Chinese government-backed Science and Technology Daily reported that the signals were captured by China’s giant Sky Eye telescope, which aims to unravel the mysteries of the universe, but withdrew the news without explanation.

The report quoted the Chinese search for extraterrestrial civilization search team as saying that the capture of Sky Eye, the world’s largest radio telescope, was a narrow band electro electromagnetic signal.

The report said that this could be a sign of extraterrestrial life outside the Solar System and that more studies are needed. According to Chinese researchers, the first such signal was received in 2020, and then repeated in May this year. At the same time, it was alleged that there was no clear evidence to support China’s claim. I think this may be the reason for withdrawing the news.

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The five hundred meter aperture spherical telescope, or FAST, is also known as the Sky Eye Telescope. Located in Guizhou Province. Launched in 2011 by China’s Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), it was completed in 2016. Since September 2020, China has officially begun research into the detection of extraterrestrial life using this telescope.

This giant telescope, which claims to be capable of detecting radio signals from different corners of the universe, can study anything visible to the naked eye, including black holes, gas clouds, and various galaxies. The 500-meter-diameter Sky Eye is equipped with 4,500 triangular panels of 36 feet and a 33-tonne retina device.

It has more than twice the observation capability of the Ericibo Observatory Radio Telescope based in Puerto Rico. It is also the longest single aperture telescope in the world. The construction cost of Sky Eye is $ 270 million.

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