China seeks to reduce tension with the US in the face of the crisis in the space globe

by time news

The Pentagon detects a second airship flying over Latin America

04 feb 2023 . Updated at 11:12 p.m.

China has asked for calm Given the diplomatic crisis opened with Washington due to the intrusion of a spy balloon over US airspace that led to the cancellation of the visit scheduled for this weekend by the US Secretary of State, Antony Blink, whose objective was to restore relations between the two powers, after the meeting that presidents Xi Jinping and Joe Biden held during the G20 summit in Bali and where they agreed to promote high-level contacts.

The balloon of US-China relations is punctured

Michelangelo Murado

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs assured this Saturday in a statement that no pretext will be accepted to attack or defame China. The Government of Beijing persists in its version that the balloon in question is its own, but that it is only a civil airship used for meteorological research and that it would have mistakenly deviated from its route by entering the airspace of the United States. Joined.

The Foreign Affairs text warns that it will not accept any conjecture or unsubstantiated exaggeration and affirmed that China has never violated the territory and airspace of any sovereign country. From Beijing, the press and the American political class are accused of invent pretexts to attack the country.

What is a spy balloon? From the 18th century to competing with satellites


Early Saturday morning, the Pentagon detected a second Chinese surveillance balloon flying over Latin America. He did not specify where, but the aircraft was sighted in Costa Rica and Venezuela, according to the media of these two countries.

Although China calls for easing diplomatic tension, he added more read to the fireor with a strange statement published on Saturday in which he cast doubt on Blinken’s planned trip to Beijing. According to the Foreign Ministry, neither the United States nor China had ever announced that there would be an official visit from the head of US diplomacy. Although they assure that they respect the American version. The statement may be an attempt to save face before Chinese public opinion.

Keep calm

China’s top diplomat, Wang Yi, He had a conversation with Blinken on Friday, asking him to remain calm, communicate on time, avoid errors in judgment and control differences. For his part, the US Secretary of State described the presence of the balloon as a violation of US airspace and assured that the incident on the eve of his visit is detrimental to the substantive discussions that we were prepared to carry out. Taiwan, regional security and covid-19 are some of the issues on the agenda between the two powers.

According to American experts, the Chinese balloon may be being led by advanced artificial intelligence technology, a sector in which China is a leader. Their objective could be to monitor US ICBM silos. However, there are doubts about why China would use spy balloons when it has satellites for these tasks.

The US shoots down the Chinese spy balloon as soon as it reaches Atlantic waters

Miguel Palacio

The spy balloon discovered on Wednesday over the airspace of Montana continued its trajectory this Saturday through the eastern United States in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean. The device flew over the states of Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina from Friday to Saturday before heading to the coast. The White House had ruled out shooting down the airship while it was flying over US territory for safety reasons and waited until it left the sea. we’ll take care of thatsaid President Joe Biden. According to Efe from the testimony provided to CNN by a local photographer, several planes flew over the area and a missile or similar device hit it.

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