China Slams British Report on Hong Kong, Ignoring ‘Good’ Societal Conditions

by time news

Title: China Slams Britain’s Report on Hong Kong, Accusing it of Ignoring “Good” Conditions

Subtitle: China’s foreign ministry criticizes British report for supporting “anti China” chaos in Hong Kong

Date: September 20, 2021

HONG KONG – In response to Britain’s six-month report on the financial hub of Hong Kong, China’s foreign ministry in Hong Kong has slammed the report, stating that it ignored the “good” societal conditions and stable business environment in the city, while supporting “anti China” chaos.

The British report, covering the period from January 1 to June 30, mentioned that authorities in Hong Kong have extended the application of a Beijing-imposed national security law, going beyond genuine national security concerns. The law was implemented in 2020 following anti-government protests in 2019 that had occasionally turned violent.

While Western governments have criticized the national security law for curbing social and political freedoms, Chinese and Hong Kong officials have defended its necessity in restoring stability to the city.

China’s foreign ministry emphasized that Hong Kong, since its return to China from Britain in 1997, has achieved “universal success” in implementing the principle of “one country, two systems.”

The ministry questioned the credibility of the British report by pointing out increasing poverty rates and record-high crime rates in the United Kingdom. It asked how the UK could criticize Hong Kong’s democracy and human rights situation with such conditions at home.

The statement from the ministry concluded by stating that “plans to disrupt Hong Kong are doomed to fail.”

The British report also highlighted several concerning issues in Hong Kong. It mentioned the authorities’ attempts to suppress the protest anthem ‘Glory to Hong Kong’ through legal routes and the further delayed national security trial of media tycoon Jimmy Lai.

Britain reaffirmed its commitment to defend universal human rights, including freedom of expression, association, and peaceful assembly, and assured its support to those who are targeted.

The report regarded Lai’s prosecution as “highly politicized” and called on the government to provide consular access. It also criticized Hong Kong police for issuing arrest warrants and bounties against individuals in the UK and elsewhere, warning that Britain would not tolerate attempts to intimidate and silence people within its borders.

Additionally, the report highlighted the critical juncture of Hong Kong’s legal and judicial systems. It noted that while the city’s courts remain independent, they are increasingly having to adjudicate on an opaque national security law that places the authority of the Chief Executive on security matters above their own.

The British report concluded with the affirmation of the Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

Reporting by Farah Master; Editing by Michael Perry

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