Chinese Acupuncture for Weight Loss: Benefits, Risks, and Effectiveness with Other Slimming Methods – Heya Consults Physiotherapy and Obesity Expert Dr. Maher Ahmed Al-Qiblawy

by time news

2023-05-29 14:05:58

AInternational research centers in the field of obesity have acknowledged the failure of many drugs to reduce appetite, regulate hormones, and increase metabolism. This is in addition to its various complications, and the exorbitant increase in its prices. Therefore, she recommended the use of Chinese acupuncture as a safe treatment to get rid of acne Overweight.

Chinese acupuncture is one of the ancient complementary therapies whose principle of action is based on pricking specific areas of the body with small, thin needles aimed at regulating the flow of energy in the body. This helps to solve some health problems and relieve pain.

In fact, it is not possible to assert the role of Chinese acupuncture as a sole treatment in losing weight and getting rid of obesity with certainty, as most of the related studies confirm that Chinese acupuncture helps to lose weight when tried with other traditional slimming methods, such as exercising and following a diet, so its role It is to promote weight loss in cooperation with traditional methods, so there is nothing wrong with trying it in the absence of any contraindications to conducting it.

Accordingly, we will inform you in detail through the “Heya” website about the benefits and harms of Chinese acupuncture, through the consultant of physiotherapy and obesity at Cairo University, Prof. Dr. Maher Ahmed Al-Qiblawy; In order for you to review your doctor to employ them within your healthy diet appropriate to the nature of your body and your health condition.

Chinese needles in the ear are the best for getting rid of excess weight within a healthy diet

Chinese acupuncture targets peripheral nerve regions

Dr. Maher explained that it is one of the types of treatments that are practiced in China in particular, and it is very thin needles “hair lift” that are implanted in various areas of the body; To treat a specific disease or to improve the condition of the individual and his positive energy, the needles target the peripheral nerve areas to relieve pain, or sometimes help in anesthesia before entering for an operation, and the success of the needles depends on the area in which they are inserted; So you need a lot of training and practice to be used by professionals safely.

It is worth noting that its benefits may be achieved by stimulating the nervous system to release endorphins Endorphins Which in turn contributes to curbing appetite and improving mood.

The role of acupuncture for weight loss

Dr. Maher added, acupuncture sessions may help in weight loss and contribute to solving the problem of obesity for some people through the following methods:

Regulating metabolism

May help Chinese needles To regulate and enhance the metabolic processes in the body, and that is by regulating the digestion process, and some hormones such as insulin, and other hormones, and this contributes to accelerating the fat burning process..

Effect on appetite hormones

Its sessions help curb appetite and regulate digestion by stimulating the hormone ghrelin Ghrelin Responsible for controlling appetite for food, as well as the leptin hormone Leptin Responsible for the fat storage process, which contributes to slimming and weight loss.

Effect on mood and stress hormones

It can help you lose weight by influencing your blood sugar levels the hormone cortisolIt is a hormone whose levels rise in cases of stress and anxiety, and its increase leads to weight gain. Thus, its use will contribute to reducing the level of this hormone and at the same time reducing obesity.

Chinese acupuncture has various benefits for curbing appetite and getting rid of excess weight
Chinese acupuncture has various benefits for curbing appetite and getting rid of excess weight

The function of Chinese acupuncture for slimming

Dr. Maher indicated that it is inserted into certain areas related to the stomach and the center of satiety, so it provokes a sense of satiety when eating certain light amounts of food, and stabilizes the movement of the stomach or reduces it to prolong the digestion process, and the feeling of satiety remains continuous, but it is preferable to follow a diet with exercise with needles Chinese, and it is not recommended to take needles for people with normal obesity, so it is preferable to use needles for those who weigh more than 20 kilograms.

Benefits of Chinese acupuncture for slimming

As for its benefits in general, Dr. Maher confirmed that it achieves the following:

  • The stomach shrinks, so the woman feels full.
  • Improves the performance of the body’s metabolism.
  • Increases body fat burning.
  • They are completely hygienic, especially since they are only used once.
  • Reduces stress associated with dieting, which pushes women to continue without getting tired.
  • Provides the body with energy and a sense of vitality.
  • No improper reaction occurs in the body, as it is free of chemicals.

Chinese acupuncture used for weight loss

According to Dr. Maher, ear needles are the best. They are small needles that are inserted into the ear area, and two to five needles can be inserted into any of the slimming points in the ear. As the ear contains 90 points, of which 10 points are for weight loss, and in each session needles are inserted into one ear for a week, and in the second week needles are placed in the second ear.

Acupuncture is an ancient complementary therapies for obesity and other health issues
Acupuncture is an ancient complementary therapies for obesity and other health issues

Studies on Chinese acupuncture for weight loss

  • A study conducted on 80 people complaining of obesity indicated the role of Chinese acupuncture in cooperation with a low-calorie diet in losing weight, in addition to its role in preventing inflammation in the body, after conducting sessions over a period of 3-6 months..
  • Another 2017 study found a role for acupuncture in the area behind the ear in the treatment of obesity in 50 women, as it was found to be effective in losing weight, lowering their body mass index, reducing the percentage of stored fat, and lowering waist and pelvic circumferences..

Damage to Chinese acupuncture for weight loss

In this regard, Dr. Maher explained that it is a safe treatment with few side effects. However, some warnings about it must be addressed, as follows:

  • Pain at the injection site.
  • Minor bleeding or bruising at the injection site.
  • Infection in cases where sterilization is not done.

Chinese acupuncture prohibitions

On the other hand, Dr. Maher referred to some cases that are prohibited from being used to get rid of excess weight, as follows:

  • Hemorrhagic disease.
  • Pregnancy, so that it prevents acupuncture in certain areas of the pregnant woman that may stimulate premature labor.
  • Installing a pacemaker, as needles may affect the functioning of the device.
It is required to use Chinese acupuncture for weight loss, to eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, and to drink plenty of water
It is required to use Chinese acupuncture for weight loss, to eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, and to drink plenty of water

Tips with the use of Chinese acupuncture for slimming

Finally, Dr. Maher recommends following the following instructions to make the most of its benefits in order to get rid of excess weight in a healthy and sound manner, as follows:

  • Exercising to increase the effectiveness of acupuncture, and you should pay attention not to exercise immediately after a Chinese acupuncture session.
  • Drink more water.
  • Persistence in eating vegetables and fruits daily.
  • Avoid soft drinks.
  • Avoid food saturated with fat.

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