“No one wants to see another trade war between the EU and its important trading partner,” said the Chinese ambassador to Athens, Xiao Juncheng, at a reception to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

The outgoing ambassador spoke about the innovation and modernization that his country is experiencing in an “unprecedented” way, and called on the European Union to respond to concerns and to proceed with the proper resolution of the disputes, especially for electronic cars produced in China.

“We certainly bring new light to Europe’s progress,” noted Mr. Xiao.

It is recalled that the EU decided in July to impose temporary tariffs on the import of Chinese electric cars from European Union member states

The event was attended by the vice-president of the Parliament, G. Plakiotakis, the ND MP G. Tragakis, the Lesvos MP of SYRIZA, G. Burnous, the former SYRIZA MP Al. Flambouraris, businessmen D. Kopelouzos, P. Syngelidis and G. Spanos, and the head of AADE, G. Pitsilis.

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