Chinese company expects clinical trial of Omicron COVID-19 vaccine in 3-4 months

by time news

BEIJING, Apr. 28 (Xinhua) — A developer of a mutated coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine developed on Wednesday. China’s Omicron strain said clinical trials of the vaccine should be completed within three to four months and will gradually be put into practical use.

Zhang Yuntao, chief scientist and vice president of China National Biotech Group (CNBG), Sino Farm. An online press release said that pre-clinical human trials showed the vaccine was capable of negating the effects of the virus. omicron species well

The results of animal testing also indicate that the vaccine protects against infection with the CV. Some omicron strains, for which such protective efficacy must be observed further.

in clinical trials This is a procedure approved by the China National Pharmaceutical Administration. On Tuesday (April 26) ago

The report states that the clinical trial will use a randomized study method. two sides camouflage and follow-up in persons aged 18 years and over who have received 2-3 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to assess the safety and immunization capabilities of this fixed-inactivated vaccine.

Yang Hui Chuan Chief Scientist and Vice President of the Company Identify the capacity and tool co-ordination plan. to produce a vaccine against the virus Such omicron strains after the development of this new vaccine was successful.

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