Chinese Military Increases Aggressive Behavior Against US Surveillance Aircraft in the Pacific

by time news

Chinese Military Conducts More than 180 Risky Intercepts of U.S. Surveillance Aircraft in the Pacific

The Chinese military has significantly increased its aggressive behavior towards U.S. surveillance aircraft in the Pacific, conducting over 180 risky intercepts in the past two years, according to the Pentagon. This number is already higher than the total number of intercepts in the previous decade. Chinese air force and navy fighter pilots have flown within 15 feet of U.S. jets, released chaff, and even made obscene gestures as a show of intimidation. When including encounters with allies and partners, the number rises to nearly 300.

The Pentagon released videos and photos of several incidents where Chinese fighter jets harassed unarmed U.S. reconnaissance planes patrolling in international airspace. In one incident, a Chinese fighter jet armed with two missiles on each wing flew within 30 feet of an American RC-135 in the South China Sea and lingered for over 15 minutes. In another incident, a Chinese fighter jet crossed under the nose of a Navy EP-3 spy plane, causing the American pilot to lose visual contact. The Chinese fighter then re-approached laterally at a distance of only 15 feet.

Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. David Deptula, a former fighter pilot, described these actions as “harassment” and criticized the Chinese military’s behavior in international airspace. He highlighted a 2001 incident where a Chinese fighter jet collided with a Navy EP-3, resulting in the death of the Chinese pilot and the detention of the U.S. aircraft’s crew members by Chinese authorities.

The increase in risky encounters by the Chinese military is concerning because it undermines the ability of the United States and other nations to safely conduct patrols in international airspace, according to top military and defense officials. Adm. John C. Aquilino, commander of all U.S. military forces in the Indo-Pacific, stated that these actions are “unacceptable” and violate international law. He also emphasized that China’s objective is to force the United States out of the region, which he declared will not happen.

Analysts and officials believe that China’s bolder behavior is an attempt to deter the U.S. military from operating in a region that Beijing aims to dominate. This comes as part of China’s broader efforts to counter what they perceive as unwelcome expansion by the United States and its allies in the Pacific. The Pentagon is set to release its annual report on China’s military power, which will highlight the significant increase in unsafe and unprofessional behavior by the Chinese military over the past two years.

Both the United States and China have signed agreements outlining the rules of safe behavior in air and maritime encounters. The videos released by the Pentagon show that the Chinese pilots’ actions violate these agreements, which emphasize the importance of maintaining safe separation and avoiding reckless maneuvers. Military officials assert that the Chinese military’s increased aggression reflects their growing military capability, confidence in conducting operations, and a more assertive foreign policy under President Xi Jinping.

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