Chinese probe finds traces of liquid water on Mars

by time news

2023-05-05 07:48:38


The study reveals that the red planet could still host humid areas

Image taken by the Mars express space probe on the planet Mars.ESA – AFP – ESA/DLR/FU BERLIN/G. NEUKUM
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Thanks to data collected by the robot Zhurongwhich has been exploring the neighboring planet since 2021, Chinese scientists revealed the discovery of evidence of the existence of liquid water on the surface of Mars.

According to experts, the Zhurong probe detected on the Martian surface scabs, cracks, granulations and other marks created by water, collects today the local newspaper Global Times. The study that revealed his conclusions was published in the scientific journal ‘Advances in Science and Research’.

Likewise, the analyzes carried out indicate that, in the dunes of Mars, water-containing minerals aboundsuch as hydrated sulfates, protic stones, and hydrated iron oxides.

“We believe that the signs of water are not have their origin in groundwater but in snow or rime“, says the author of the study Qin Xiaoguang, quoted by the newspaper.

The existence of liquid water on the red planet has been the subject of several studiessince, if confirmed, it would serve to better understand the evolution of the Martian climate and to support a possible human migration to the planet in the future.

According to the local Science and Technology Daily, liquid water on Mars could indicate the existence of life.

Research previous have shown that exist liquid water on the martian surface but what disappeared due to the meteorological changes experienced by the planet.

This study reveals that Mars could still harbor some wet areas in areas of low latitudes and relatively warm, according to the scientists.

Last SeptemberChinese experts, also based on the data collected by the Zhurong, detected layers of martian terrain shaped by water activity about 3.3 billion years ago.

El Zhurong forma parte de la misin Tianwen-1also made up of an orbiter ship and a landing module.

Tianwen-1 is the first Chinese exploration mission to Mars and aims to find more evidence of the existence of water or ice on that planet, as well as carry out research on the material composition of its surface or the characteristics of the climate.

In recent years, Beijing has invested heavily in its space programachieving successes such as that of the Chang’e 4 lunar probe, which landed on the far side of the Moon in January 2019, a milestone never achieved in the history of space exploration.

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