Chinese researchers develop ultra-black paint

by time news
2022-06-28 11:34:17|

BEIJING, June 28, 2022 (Xinhua) Chinese researchers have developed a super-black coating with stable performance, according to the Harbin Institute of Technology.

The ultra-black coating can absorb any light falling on it and is widely used in precision optical devices.

The ultra-black coating developed by the research team from Harbin Institute of Technology can absorb up to 99.8 percent of the broad spectrum.

The institute stated that the new material can meet the needs of a variety of harsh application conditions and environments, with advanced performance and technical maturity compared to existing similar products.

The ultra-black coating has been applied to thousands of products such as light shades, effectively improving the in-orbit monitoring ability and the accuracy of locating the light loads of Chinese spacecraft. /ts/

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