Chinese rocket spare parts fall into Indian Ocean | Dinamalar

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Beijing: The spare parts of the rocket launched into space by our neighbor China fell in the Indian Ocean yesterday.

China is setting up a research station called Tiangong-1 in space. The materials required for this were sent into space last week by a 23-ton rocket named ‘Long March 5B’. This rocket landed the satellite.

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However, China said that the ‘booster’ components that help the satellite move in the desired direction and the rocket’s electronic waste are falling towards Earth due to Earth’s gravity. The US also said that the rocket’s spare parts were arriving at an uncontrollable speed and did not know where they would land.

Because the booster parts are so large, they won’t burn up to ash when they enter Earth’s atmosphere, scientists said. However, most of the area had burned up without causing any damage to the Earth when it entered Earth’s zone early yesterday morning. Other parts of the rocket fell into the Indian Ocean and the Philippine Sea, according to reports.

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