Chip, the crisis will last until 2023: electronics are also at risk for Christmas

by time news

“The semiconductor crisis will last until 2023. Increasing production is not possible now.” This is the warning to the industry suffering from the shortage of microchips that launched Jean-Marc Chery, number one of the largest electronics group, STMicroelectronics with Italian and French state-owned shares, in an interview with La Stampa. “The situation is extremely complex. And I think we can say that even in 2022 the production capacity will not be up to the demand. Let’s take the automotive sector. Even beyond electrification, the segment will demand more electronics. In addition, we too are seeing a shortage of the most varied materials. And then there is the logistical question, which has many problems, ”Chery told the press.

Chips are missing, electronic products at risk for Christmas

In short, normality “will not return before 2023”. A big problem for several sectors. “Possible problems for electronic products during the Christmas period: the whole supply chain is in difficulty”, continues La Stampa. Not to mention, as mentioned, the events in the automotive sector. “The semiconductor industry plants work seven days a week, 24 hours a day, 360 days a year, to amortize the costs of multi-million euro machines. So increasing capacity quickly isn’t easy.”

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