Cholesterol lowering without statins The Doctor

by time news

What are the methods to lower cholesterol without statins? How do you lower cholesterol without drugs? How to lower cholesterol naturally? What are the methods to lower blood cholesterol naturally? A normal level of cholesterol in the blood is very important. Cholesterol helps many functions in our body. Cholesterol is an essential and important fat. However, high levels of cholesterol in the blood pose a serious health risk.

Cholesterol lowering without statins. Photo: Pixabay Christine Sponchia

Excess cholesterol causes cardiovascular diseases, risk of stroke and early death. Therefore, many seek to lower blood cholesterol. A common recommendation of doctors in situations where cholesterol levels are high is to change the lifestyle along with the use of drugs such as statins. However, many people prefer to try natural ways instead of statins or alongside natural medicines and methods to lower cholesterol without statins. So how to lower cholesterol naturally? And how to lower cholesterol without drugs?

Statins are often a highly weighted medical recommendation that helps dramatically reduce cholesterol. However, many people want to avoid these drugs for various reasons. That’s why they turn to high cholesterol treatments without drugs. It is important to note that when we apply for cholesterol reduction treatment without statins, we must first and consult the attending physician. And this is after a comprehensive diagnosis, monitoring, consultation and control that the alternative treatments we turned to are suitable for us and are not life-threatening. For example, natural treatments to lower cholesterol that include lifestyle changes, combining herbs and spices to lower cholesterol, dietary changes, weight loss and exercise. That is, even when we decided to treat cholesterol without drugs, it is important to do so under the guidance of a specialist doctor. This is to avoid damages and medical risks.

10 ways to lower cholesterol without statins

How to lower cholesterol without drugs? How to reduce bad cholesterol? How to lower cholesterol naturally? What are the methods to reduce cholesterol levels naturally without drugs and chemical substances? How do you raise good cholesterol? Here are several ways to lower cholesterol without statins. After medical consultation, and if there is no medical contraindication or contraindication, we can use these methods to treat cholesterol without drugs or as an addition to drugs and other medical treatment.

  1. Lose weight or reduce obesity, if you are overweight as a way to reduce high blood cholesterol.
  2. Eat vegetables and herbs that lower cholesterol including lemon and lemon juice, onion and garlic. Drink sugar-free drinks, teas, and extracts of cholesterol-lowering herbs based on licorice, psyllium, and hawthorn.
  3. Eat more foods rich in vegetable fiber to lower excess cholesterol.
  4. Stop consuming foods that include margarine such as borax, malavah or jechanon, foods containing trans fat in waffles, cookies and snacks. Also, stop consuming foods that contain saturated fat and cholesterol such as hamburger, internal meat parts such as hearts and fatty cheeses such as cheddar.
  5. Add to your food intake spices and herbs to reduce cholesterol such as fenugreek, turmeric and cinnamon.
  6. Stop consuming alcohol that increases cholesterol.
  7. Eat foods that contain vegetable and not animal fat. Thus they preferred foods with olive oil over butter and margarine. Eat fatty plant foods such as avocado, dark chocolate or nuts over sausage, yellow cheese or high-fat beef.
  8. Regularly perform moderate-intensity sports activity adapted to your medical condition.
  9. Stop or gradually reduce smoking cigarettes, which raise cholesterol.
  10. Be sure to consume foods that lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol. Among other things, they ate vegetables, fish and seeds, legumes, nuts, fruits, whole grains, oats, avocados and more.

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