‘Chonburi’ sets a new record! 1,542 cases, the highest in April.

by time news

‘Chonburi’ is still holding a temple! The number of new infections continues to rise. A new record for the month of April has been recorded at 1,542, with 3 more deaths, revealing that contact with patients is still the main factor.

07 Apr 2022 – The page of the Chonburi Provincial Public Relations Office – Chonburi PR has reported a case of COVID-19. New cases that there are 1,542 (confirmed RT-PCR cases) consisting of 1. People who live in Rayong province. came in for treatment in Chonburi Province 93 cases, collecting 5,285 cases and other provinces, collecting 1,537 cases 2.CLUSTER Thai NOK Co., Ltd. Muang Chonburi District 4 cases, collecting 123 cases 3.Professional at risk of meeting a lot of people 38 cases 4. Under investigation, 840 cases, 5. 40 medical personnel

6. Provide history of traveling from other provinces, 2 cases as follows: 6.1 Chanthaburi Province 1 case 6.2 Sisaket Province 1 case
7. Contact with confirmed cases 7.1 in 320 families 7.2 from 68 workplaces 7.3 83 close contacts
8. Touch the confirmed patient (under investigation) 54 cases and 9. 840 cases under investigation.

As of April 7, 2022, Chonburi Province There are 960,201 people who have completed 3 injections of vaccines, which this month. There are 3,104 people who have completed 3 injections of vaccination (morbidity rate 323.27 per 100,000 population), 2 deaths (0.21 per 100,000 population), 2 intubation (0.21 per 100,000 population), 8 pneumonia (0.83 per 100,000 population). population)

There are 1,909,673 people who have completed 2 injections of vaccination, which this month. 2,478 people have completed 2 vaccinations (sickness rate 129.76 per 100,000 population), 7 deaths (0.37 per 100,000 population), 8 intubation (0.42 per 100,000 population), 5 pneumonia (0.26). per hundred thousand population)

As for those who received only 1 dose of vaccination, 143,667 and 275,733 were not vaccinated, a total of 419,400 people. This month, 3,917 unvaccinated and unvaccinated cases (933.95 sickness rate per 100,000 population) were found this month. 14 deaths (3.34 per 100,000 population), 10 intubation (2.38 per 100,000 population), 11 pneumonia (2.62 per 100,000 population)

Four new intubation cases were found today (one with a history of two doses on March 12, 2022, a second with a history of two doses on November 26. 2021 and two with no vaccination history), 3 new pneumonia cases (one with a history of two doses on Dec. 27, 2021, and two with no history of vaccination). , 3 new deaths (1st case was 57 years old, second case was 44 years old, third case was 101 years old). are elderly and have underlying diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure abnormal blood lipids (One case had a history of one dose of vaccination on Sept. 22, 2021, and the other two had no history of vaccination.)

Therefore, complete vaccination criteria, that is, must be immunized with the third injection. will help reduce the severity of COVID-19 People who live in Chonburi should be vaccinated against COVID-19, especially the elderly and those with congenital diseases pregnant woman due to COVID-19 infection who have not yet been vaccinated or incomplete vaccinations are more likely to have severe symptoms than those who have completed the vaccination criteria. which leads to death from COVID-19 and the elderly person with underlying disease pregnant woman will have more symptoms than other groups

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