Choose France: Emmanuel Macron welcomed by a concert of saucepans in Versailles

by time news

2023-05-15 16:12:07

Whistles and saucepans are now part of the decor of each of the President of the Republic’s trips. This Monday, in Versailles for the Choose France summit, Emmanuel Macron did not escape it.

CGT flags, whistles, firecrackers and saucepans floated in the streets of Versailles. According to the union, 150 to 200 people were present to stroll from Versailles Chantier station to the Yvelines prefecture. The objective: to make noise to mark their opposition to the head of state.

The demonstrators notably chanted “Macron resign! “, “Emmanuel Macron president of the bosses” or even “We are here”. “We have been fighting against the pension reform for 4 months, here today our dear president, with the representatives of the Medef, is at the Palace of Versailles so we will try to say hello to them”, said explained to AFP Arnaud Thuon, union representative CGT railway worker from Versailles.

200 leaders gathered in Versailles

Friday, already, in Dunkirk, as during each of his trips in recent weeks, 200 to 300 demonstrators had waited for the Head of State, on the spot to discuss his policy of reindustrialization. Among them, opponents of its pension reform, but also employees of Valdunes, the last manufacturer in France of train wheels, released last week by its Chinese shareholder.

The mobilization was supervised by numerous mobile gendarmes and should remain about 500 meters from the Palace of Versailles, where the Choose France summit is being held.

It brings together 200 international leaders of more than fifty different nationalities. Among them, the bosses of Pfizer or ArcelorMittal but also the leader and founder of Tesla Elon Musk.

#Choose #France #Emmanuel #Macron #welcomed #concert #saucepans #Versailles

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