“Christ Lives”: Social Commitment Characteristic of Today’s Youth

by time news

Today in the Congregational program we listen to a reflection based on the 170th paragraph of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation “Christus Vivit” or “Christ Lives”.

C. Rubini CTC, Vatican News

Apostolic Exhortation

An Apostolic Exhortation is an epistle in the various series of official epistles published by the Pope in the Catholic Church. The Apostolic Exhortations are next in line to the Cyclic Epistles at the top of their chain of importance.

Chapter Five

Chapter 5 is titled “The Ways of Youth.” While describing the anxieties, anxieties, and anxieties of youth, Pope Francis advises young people to follow their hopes and dreams.

170. The Synod thus approved. However, unlike previous generations, social dedication is a characteristic of today’s youth. Some are neutral. And there are many others who dedicate themselves to initiatives of voluntary service, active citizenship and social solidarity. They should be encouraged to cooperatively apply their innate instincts, skills, creatively and take up their responsibilities. Social action and direct contact with the poor are fundamental ways to recognize the call to find and increase faith. It was also noted that youth are willing to enter political life to create public good. (Courtesy. P.O.C preparation).

The Pope is talking to us about the social dedication we see in today’s youth. Working with young people can be both challenging and rewarding. Too often we forget that young people can be a valuable asset to our society. When society provides support, guidance and opportunities for young people to use and strengthen their skills, their ability to make a positive contribution to society is enhanced. People working with young people need to learn to recognize their strengths and develop those qualities to improve outcomes for young people and society. If young people’s creative abilities can be linked to programming methods, goals and outcomes, they can provide many benefits to this society.

Those who are closed in the cage of the past and anxiously await the good things of the present, are unable to receive new things because their minds have grown old. So they refuse to acknowledge the potential of young people and their interests to produce the results of innovation. Thus, in this apostolic exhortation, the Pope, looking at those who are old in mind, has already reminded us in this apostolic exhortation that we must create opportunities to listen to young people in the church and society. Listening to a person means being respectful to that person. It also creates an opportunity for us to share our goodness with that person. Especially when listening to young people, we can share the joy and message of the gospel with them. Where are the lives of young people in today’s world? Who are they traveling for? What is their role in the church? Where can they live in their solitude? Are they safe in church and society? Where are their seats? What are their contributions? We must travel with them to find answers to many questions. We have to understand their heartbeats. We have to consider whether they are properly nurtured at the level of their personal life, community life and faith life.

The Pope says that unlike the previous generations, social dedication is a special characteristic of today’s youth, but some are still neutral. The Pope proudly notes that there are many other young people who dedicate themselves to initiatives of voluntary service, active citizenship and social solidarity.

There is no doubt that today’s world is full of crises. If we read the twenty-ninth paragraph of its final outline, we can understand that the Fathers of the Youth Synod were aware of how young people are going about their lives in such a world. In the second chapter of this apostolic exhortation, the Pope encourages young people once again to live and move with vigilance.

The Pope invites young people to dream and live for their own lives, for society, for the Church, for the world. That is why the Pope asks us to appreciate youth and to see the youth period as a precious moment.

But Pope Francis has hope for young people. Because it underlines that they always stand with their feet ready to pounce. They are full of power. Pope writes that young people are the ones who have the courage to look ahead with hope in any difficult moments, and the faith he has in them is very great. That is why the head of the church insists on having them in the front row in the church. At times, they may act foolishly to fool themselves, but Pope Francis has great faith that they will be able to bounce back from it.

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