Christian life is penance, but above all a party

by time news

February 18, 2023 / 4:23 a.m.

The Bishop of Córdoba (Spain), Msgr. Demetrio Fernández, addresses in his Sunday letter the beginning of the liturgical season of Lent and recalls that “the Christian life is penance for our deviations, yes, but above all it is a party, because God is willing always to renew ourselves”.

With the premise that “the perspective of Lent is Easter”, Bishop Fernández presents the liturgical season, which will begin on Wednesday, February 22, as a preparation for the 50 days from Easter to Pentecost.

The Prelate outlines some characteristics of fasting, prayer and almsgiving, “guidelines for this catechumenal journey towards Easter”.

In his letter he explains that with fasting “we are invited to deprive ourselves of what hinders us”, because “we need to detoxify ourselves with the tears of fasting”, as well as “austerity of life and act against our vices”.

Then, he points out that with prayer the Christian is encouraged to “be more with God”, who wants to “configure us with his only Son, Jesus Christ. And this leads to frequent, abundant friendship treatment”.

Prayer is necessary “to consider our life from God and see our history and the events that surround us with the eyes of God”, details the Bishop of Córdoba.

Regarding almsgiving, Bishop Fernández preaches that it is “the opening of the heart to others, to our brothers and sisters from near and far”, because “we easily shield ourselves and our selfishness”.

For this reason, the Prelate invites us to “let ourselves be impacted by the poverty of others” as a path that “questions our wealth, our tastes and whims.”

Bishop Fernández recalls at the end that Lent “is a time of charity, solidarity, to get closer to those who suffer and to share their lives and their sufferings.”

“It is time to give alms, to lower our checking account, to tighten our belts”, he concludes.

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